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2025 捲髮器選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

隨著時尚趨勢的變化,捲髮造型已成為許多人的日常造型選擇。不論是優雅的波浪捲、俏麗的小捲髮,還是自然的空氣捲,擁有一款優質的捲髮器,能夠讓你在家輕鬆打造出專業級的髮型。尤其是在香港這樣潮濕的氣候下,選擇一款適合的捲髮器,不僅能提升造型效果,還能減少對髮質的損害。以下為各大暢銷人氣品牌同高CP值捲髮器推介,包括DYSON 戴森PANASONIC 樂聲牌VIDAL SASSOON 沙宣PHILIPS 飛利浦等,幫助您挑選最適合的捲髮棒。

1. DYSON 戴森 HS08 Airwrap i.d.™ 智能吹風造型器

  • 內建智能感應器可持續監測氣流溫度,確保不會過熱。
  • 採用戴森獨特的氣流技術,能夠在低溫下快速乾燥頭髮,負離子技術,幫助減少靜電和毛躁,使頭髮更加柔順光滑。
  • 具備不同直徑的捲髮筒和造型刷,能夠實現捲髮、直髮和吹風等多種造型需求。

2. PANASONIC 樂聲牌 EH-KN8C 納米離子捲髮器 

  • 採用 nanoe® 納米離子技術,能在造型的同時修護髮絲,造型同時修護髮絲,使秀髮如絲般柔順亮麗。
  • 擁有700瓦特的功率,並提供2段溫度和風速調節,獨立的冷風功能,有助於塑造持久的髮型。
  • 設計有旋轉式電源連接器,能有效防止電源線折損,支持雙電壓設計。
  • 隨機附件包括吹髮梳、捲髮梳、捲髮造型夾。

3. Glampalm GP618AL 1.4" 捲髮器 (36mm)

  • 專利Healing Stone™️陶瓷塗層發熱板適用各頭髮類型,對頭髮的傷害減至最低。
  • 5段可自由調校溫度 (攝氏120°C-200°C),55秒快速加熱。
  • 全球首創 LED LIGHTNING溫度顯示裝置。
  • 360旋轉接駁頭,60分鐘後自動睡眠模式,國際電際100V - 240V。

4. PHILIPS 飛利浦 StyleCare Advanced多功能造型器 BHH822

  • 3合1陶瓷塗層造型器,能確保熱度均勻分佈,減少秀髮受損。
  • 2段溫度調校(160°C及210°C) ,45秒快速預熱,待機60分鐘自動斷電系統。
  • 易裝拆設計,方便更換造型配件,世界通用電壓 (110-240V)。
  • 備有 15 個配件及時尚指南,包括80毫米直髮面板、直徑25毫米捲髮夾、直徑32毫米熱捲梳。

5. QUICO HC201CB 2合1多功能極黑修護造型器

  • 結合直髮和捲髮的功能,30秒內即可迅速加熱。
  • 特別的發熱板塗層中添加了多種護髮成分,如角蛋白和鈉米銀,能夠使頭髮更加柔順亮澤,並防止靜電和異味。
  • 具備溫度鎖定功能,30分鐘不使用後會自動關閉。
  • 隨機附贈隔熱手套、梳子、夾子和絲綢收納袋。

1. VIDAL SASSOON 沙宣 無線自動捲髮器

  • 採用充電式設計,無需插電即可操作,內置5200mAh的鋰離子電池,充電後可連續使用60分鐘。
  • 只需三個簡單步驟即可完成捲髮造型,最高可達200°C的溫度設定,並具備智能溫度控制功能。
  • 19毫米陶瓷塗層自動捲髮器,採用特別隔熱設計,減少因捲髮棒過熱而產生的燙傷。
  • 機身體積小巧,智能屏幕顯示,智能溫度控制設定及預熱提示 。

2. VIDAL SASSOON 沙宣 沙宣等離子水膜兩用造型器 VSP-3290PIH

  • 等離子水膜科技,同時釋放正、負離子,在髮絲上形成一層「等離子水膜」。
  • 直捲兩用設計,乾濕兩用,獨特的「空氣聚流通道」。
  • 兩段溫度設定 (160°C/ 200°C)。
  • 折疊手柄,方便收納,環球電壓。

3. VIDAL SASSOON 沙宣 VS 可充電便攜式捲髮器  

  • 無線操作捲髮器,機身輕巧。
  • 19mm 護髮陶瓷塗層捲髮棒,備有2種溫度設置(160°C & 180°C),3分鐘加熱至 180°C。
  • 便攜式設計,可充電,由鋰離子電池提供持久的供電效能,3小時快速充電,可連續使用約30分鐘。
  • 備有 1米 USB 充電電線,15分鐘自動安全關閉模式 。


1. 傳統捲髮棒
• 需要手動纏繞頭髮,適合打造各種不同的捲髮造型(如大波浪、S型捲、韓系空氣捲)。
• 可選擇不同直徑的捲棒來調整捲度效果。
• 需要一定的使用技巧,但能夠提供更精準的造型控制。

• 喜歡手動控制捲髮風格的人。
• 對造型有較高要求,願意花時間練習操作的人。
2. 自動捲髮器
• 內部自動夾住頭髮並加熱成型,無需手動纏繞。
• 操作簡單,適合捲髮新手。
• 多數產品具有溫度調節功能,可減少熱損害。

• 追求快速、便利的用戶,尤其是每天需要造型但時間有限的人。
• 新手或不擅長手動捲髮的人。
3. 多功能造型器
• 可同時用於捲髮與直髮,一機多用。
• 適合經常更換髮型的人。
• 有些高端型號配備負離子技術,有助於減少毛躁和靜電。

• 希望一機多用、能夠變換不同髮型的人。
• 旅行時想減少行李負擔的人。


1. 材質選擇
• 陶瓷材質:加熱均勻,能減少局部過熱,降低對髮質的損害,適合日常使用。
• 鈦金屬材質:加熱更快,適合厚重或難以捲曲的髮質,但相對較熱,需小心使用。
• 陶瓷+負離子技術:有助於減少毛躁和靜電,使頭髮更加柔順有光澤。
2. 溫度調節
• 細軟髮質:建議選擇 160°C-180°C,避免高溫傷害髮絲。
• 普通髮質:適合使用 180°C-200°C,可以快速塑型又不會過度傷害髮質。
• 粗硬髮質:建議選擇 200°C 以上,確保捲髮效果持久。
3. 筒徑大小
• 19mm 以下(細捲):適合短髮或想要打造細緻的捲度,如泡麵捲。
• 25mm-32mm(中捲):適合中長髮,可創造自然捲髮或韓系波浪捲。
• 38mm 以上(大捲):適合長髮,能夠打造鬆散的女神大波浪捲髮。
4. 安全功能
• 自動斷電:防止忘記關機導致危險。
• 防燙設計:降低燙傷風險,適合新手使用。
• 溫度鎖定功能:防止誤觸按鍵導致溫度變化。


1. 使用前塗抹抗熱護髮產品,減少高溫對髮質的影響。
2. 避免在濕髮上使用捲髮器,確保頭髮完全乾燥後再造型。
3. 控制使用頻率,建議每週使用不超過 3-4 次,以免傷害髮絲。
4. 定期護理頭髮,如使用護髮油、深層護髮產品,保持頭髮健康。



2025 Hair Curler Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)

As fashion trends evolve, curly hairstyles have become a daily styling choice for many people. Whether it's elegant waves, cute curls, or natural air curls, having a high-quality curling iron allows you to easily create professional-level hairstyles at home. Especially in humid climates like Hong Kong, choosing the right curling iron not only enhances styling results but also reduces damage to hair quality. Below are recommendations for popular and high-value curling irons from well-known brands, including DYSONPANASONIC, VIDAL SASSOON and PHILIPS, to help you select the most suitable curling wand.

1. DYSON HS08 Airwrap i.d.™ multi-styler and dryer

  • Equipped with an intelligent sensor that continuously monitors airflow temperature to ensure it does not overheat.
  • Utilizing Dyson's unique airflow technology, it can quickly dry hair at low temperatures. The negative ion technology helps reduce static and frizz, making hair smoother and shinier.
  • It comes with different diameter curling barrels and styling brushes to meet various styling needs, including curling, straightening, and blow-drying.

2. PANASONIC EH-KN8C nanoe™ Hair Curler 

  • Features nanoe® ion technology that repairs hair while styling, leaving hair silky smooth and shiny.
  • With a power of 700 watts, it offers two temperature and airflow settings, along with an independent cool air function to help create long-lasting hairstyles.
  • Designed with a rotating power connector to effectively prevent cable damage, it supports dual voltage design.
  • Accessories include a blow-drying comb, curling comb, and curling styling clip.

3. Glampalm GP618AL 1.4" Curling Tong (36mm)

  • The patented Healing Stone™ ceramic-coated heating plate is suitable for all hair types, minimizing damage to hair.
  • It features five adjustable temperature settings (120°C-200°C) and heats up in 55 seconds.
  • The world's first LED LIGHTNING temperature display device is included.
  • It has a 360-degree rotating connector and an automatic sleep mode after 60 minutes, with international voltage compatibility (100V - 240V).

4. PHILIPS StyleCare Advanced Multi-styler BHH822/03

  • A 3-in-1 ceramic-coated styler that ensures even heat distribution, reducing hair damage.
  • It offers two temperature settings (160°C and 210°C) and heats up in 45 seconds, with an automatic shut-off system after 60 minutes of standby.
  • The easy-to-install design allows for convenient accessory changes, and it supports universal voltage (110-240V).
  • It comes with 15 accessories and a styling guide, including an 80mm straightening plate, a 25mm curling clip, and a 32mm hot curling comb.

5. QUICO HC201CB 2 in 1 Hair Styler

  • Combines straightening and curling functions, heating up quickly within 30 seconds.
  • The special heating plate coating includes various hair care ingredients, such as keratin and sodium silicate, making hair smoother and shinier while preventing static and odors.
  • It features a temperature lock function and automatically shuts off after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • Accessories include heat-resistant gloves, a comb, clips, and a silk storage bag.

1. VIDAL SASSOON Rechargeable Auto Curler

  • Features a rechargeable design without being plugged in. It is equipped with a built-in 5200mAh lithium-ion battery, providing up to 60 minutes of continuous use after charging.
  • The curling process can be completed in just three simple steps, with a maximum temperature setting of 200°C and intelligent temperature control functionality.
  • The 19mm ceramic-coated automatic curling iron is designed with special heat insulation to reduce the risk of burns from overheating.
  • It has a compact body, an intelligent screen display, and preheat prompts.


  • This styling tool utilizes plasma water film technology, releasing both positive and negative ions to form a "plasma water film" on the hair.
  • It features a dual-use design for both straightening and curling, and can be used on wet or dry hair, thanks to its unique "air flow channel".
  • It offers two temperature settings (160°C/200°C).
  • It has a foldable handle for easy storage, with universal voltage compatibility.

3. VIDAL SASSOON VS Rechargeable Mini Curler  

  • This wireless curling iron is lightweight.
  • It features a 19mm protective ceramic-coated curling barrel and has two temperature settings (160°C & 180°C) and heats up to 180°C in just 3 minutes. 
  • The portable design is rechargeable, powered by a lithium-ion battery that provides lasting performance, with a quick 3-hour charge allowing for approximately 30 minutes of continuous use.
  • It includes a 1-meter USB charging cable and has a 15-minute automatic safety shut-off mode.

Types of Hair Curler

1. Traditional Curling Wand
• Requires manual wrapping of hair, suitable for creating various curling styles (such as large waves, S-curls, and Korean air curls).
• Different barrel diameters can be chosen to adjust the curl effect.
• Requires a certain level of skill but allows for more precise styling control.

Target Audience:
• Individuals who prefer manual control over their curling style.
• Those who have high styling demands and are willing to spend time practicing their technique.
2. Automatic Hair Curler
• Automatically clamps and heats the hair without the need for manual wrapping.
• Simple operation, making it suitable for curling novices.
• Most products come with temperature adjustment features to reduce heat damage.

Target Audience:
• Users seeking quick and convenient styling, especially those who need to style their hair daily but have limited time.
• Beginners or those who are not skilled at manual curling.
3. Multi-Functional Styler
• Can be used for both curling and straightening, offering multiple functions in one device.
• Ideal for those who frequently change their hairstyle.
• Some high-end models are equipped with negative ion technology, which helps reduce frizz and static.

Target Audience:
• Individuals looking for a versatile tool that can create different hairstyles.
• Travelers who want to minimize their luggage load.

Hair Curlers Buying Guide

1. Material Selection
• Ceramic: Heats evenly, reduces localized overheating, and minimizes damage to hair, making it suitable for daily use.
• Titanium: Heats up faster, ideal for thick or hard-to-curl hair, but can get very hot, so caution is needed.
• Ceramic + Negative Ion Technology: Helps reduce frizz and static, making hair smoother and shinier.
2. Temperature Control
• Fine or Soft Hair: Recommended temperature range is 160°C-180°C to avoid heat damage.
• Normal Hair: Suitable for 180°C-200°C, allowing for quick styling without excessive damage.
• Coarse or Thick Hair: Recommended to use temperatures above 200°C to ensure long-lasting curls.
3. Barrel Size
• Under 19mm (Fine Curls): Suitable for short hair or for creating tight curls, such as noodle curls.
• 25mm-32mm (Medium Curls): Ideal for medium to long hair, can create natural curls or Korean wave curls.
• Over 38mm (Large Curls): Suitable for long hair, can create loose, goddess-like waves.
4. Safety Features
• Automatic Shut-Off: Prevents hazards from forgetting to turn off the device.
• Heat Protection Design: Reduces the risk of burns, making it suitable for beginners.
• Temperature Lock Function: Prevents accidental changes in temperature settings.

Hair Care Recommendations When Using a Hair Curler

1. Apply heat protectant products before use to minimize the impact of high temperatures on hair.
2. Avoid using a curling iron on wet hair; ensure hair is completely dry before styling.
3. Control the frequency of use; it is recommended to use it no more than 3-4 times a week to prevent hair damage.
4. Regularly care for your hair with products like hair oils and deep conditioning treatments to maintain hair health.

Choosing the right hair curler can enhance styling results while protecting hair quality. The market today offers a wide variety of hair curlers, catering to both beginners and professional styling enthusiasts. Hope this guide can help you select the most suitable and cost-effective hair curler, ensuring you achieve perfect hairstyles every day!
