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2024年Logitech滑鼠選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)


2. LOGITECH 羅技 LIFT 人體工學垂直無線滑鼠  

  • 突破傳統的57度垂直角度設計,改善手腕姿勢,提供舒適的握持體驗。
  • 人體工學雙認證,符合人體工學設計原則,減少手腕壓力。
  • 配備MagSpeed 電磁捲動,擁有足夠的精確度。
  • 支援藍牙和Logitech 羅技 Bolt連接方式,無線使用更方便。
  • 電池壽命長達24個月。


  • 新一代高性能的持久無線遊戲鼠標,搭載LIGHTSPEED無線技術,提供無線回報速率為1000Hz(1毫秒)。
  • 採用了HERO感應器,具有200-12,000 dpi的解析度,並提供零濾波、零加速和過濾的優異準確性和一致性。
  • 具有250小時的電池壽命,並且內建1個設定檔的記憶體。
  • 設計輕巧,重量只有99克,並且採用了機械按鍵張力系統。

4. LOGITECH 羅技 G502 LIGHTSPEED無線電競 滑鼠 

  • 採用先進的LIGHTSPEED無線技術,提供超高速度和可靠的無線連接 。
  • 搭載新一代HERO 25K感應器,可提供100至25,600 dpi的高分辨率,並具有零平滑、加速和濾波功能。
  • 附帶6個砝碼,可依個人喜好調整鼠標的重量,以獲得最佳的手感與控制。
  • 具有11個可自訂的功能鍵,可以根據個人喜好和遊戲需求進行設定。
  • 電池續航力在預設背光下可達48小時,無背光下可達60小時,並且節省10倍的電力耗用。

5. LOGITECH 羅技 M720 無線 滑鼠 

  • 支援多台裝置的同時作業,您可以輕鬆地在兩台或三台電腦之間切換,提高工作效率,無需不斷換滑鼠。
  • 具有可調整的DPI追蹤功能,讓您根據不同的工作需求調整滑鼠的靈敏度。
  • 雙模式捲動功能,可根據您的需求進行快速或精確的捲動。
  • 支援藍牙和Unifying無線連接兩種連線方式,讓您可以根據不同的設備和環境選擇最適合的連接方式。
  • 長達2年的電池壽命

2024 Logitech Mouse Buying Guide and Recommendations (with purchase links)

Logitech has always been a popular choice among users, offering a diverse range of products that cater to different needs. Whether it's for office work, studying, or gaming, Logitech mouse consistently provide a high-quality user experience. In this article, we will introduce the most recommended Logitech mouse models and provide some tips to help you find the perfect mouse.


  • 57-degree vertical angle design to improve wrist posture and provide a comfortable grip experience.
  • Ergonomically certified to meet ergonomic design principles and reduce wrist pressure.
  • Equipped with MagSpeed electromagnetic scrolling for precise scrolling.
  • Supports Bluetooth and Logitech Bolt connection methods for convenient wireless use.
  • Battery life lasts up to 24 months.

3. LOGITECH G304 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Mouse

  • Next-generation high-performance wireless gaming mouse with LIGHTSPEED wireless technology, providing a wireless report rate of 1000Hz (1 millisecond).
  • Features the HERO sensor with a resolution of 200-12,000 DPI, delivering exceptional accuracy and consistency with zero smoothing, acceleration, and filtering.
  • Offers 250 hours of battery life and has a built-in memory for one profile.
  • Lightweight design weighing only 99 grams and utilizes a mechanical button tensioning system.

4. LOGITECH G502 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Mice

  • Features advanced LIGHTSPEED wireless technology.
  • Equipped with the next-generation HERO 25K sensor, offering a high resolution of 100 to 25,600 DPI.
  • Comes with six adjustable weights to customize the mouse's weight.
  • Includes 11 customizable buttons that can be set according to personal preferences and gaming needs.
  • Battery life lasts up to 48 hours with default lighting and up to 60 hours with no lighting, while conserving 10 times the power consumption.

5. LOGITECH M720 Wireless Mice   

  • Supports multi-device operation, allowing you to easily switch between two or three computers.
  • Features adjustable DPI tracking, allowing you to adjust the mouse sensitivity based on different work needs.
  • Dual-mode scrolling allows for quick or precise scrolling.
  • Supports both Bluetooth and Unifying wireless connections.
  • Battery life lasts up to 2 years.


1. 有線與無線

• 適合不需要經常移動電腦的用家。
• 減少充電或更換電池的煩惱。
• 傳輸穩定,適合高精度要求的工作或遊戲。

• 適合需要頻繁移動電腦的用家。
• 無線設計提供更多自由度和便捷性。
• 需考慮電池續航時間及充電頻率。
2. 連接方法

USB 連接:
• 簡單易用,插入USB接收器即可使用。
• 訊號穩定,Logitech的2.4GHz無線技術確保無延遲傳輸。
• 適合需要穩定連接的電競玩家和專業用戶。

• 節省USB插口位置,可同時連接多個設備。
• 適合連接筆記型電腦、平板或手機,提供更多靈活性。
• 適合辦公室或移動辦公使用者。
3. 使用需求

• 推薦MX系列,設計符合人體工學,操作舒適,適合長時間使用。
• 多設備連接功能,方便在不同裝置間切換。
• 精確的滾輪和快捷鍵設計,提高工作效率。

• 推薦G系列,具有高性能傳感器和快速反應能力。
• 可自定義按鍵和宏功能,提升遊戲操作體驗。
• 耐用設計和輕量化材質,適合長時間遊戲使用。



Logitech Mouse Buying Guide

1. Wired and Wireless
When choosing a Logitech mouse, the first step is to decide whether you want a wired or wireless mouse.

Wired Mouse:
• Suitable for users who don't need to frequently move their computers.
• Eliminates the hassle of charging or replacing batteries.
• Provides stable transmission, ideal for high-precision tasks or gaming.

Wireless Mouse:
• Suitable for users who need to frequently move their computers.
• Wireless design offers more freedom and convenience.
• Consider battery life and charging frequency.
2. Connection Methods
After deciding to use a wireless mouse, you need to choose the appropriate connection method:

USB Connection:
• Simple and easy to use, just plug in the USB receiver.
• Stable signal, Logitech's 2.4GHz wireless technology ensures lag-free transmission.
• Suitable for gamers and professional users who require a stable connection.

Bluetooth Connection:
• Saves USB port space and can connect to multiple devices simultaneously.
• Suitable for connecting to laptops, tablets, or phones, providing more flexibility.
• Ideal for office or mobile office users.
3. Usage Requirements
Choose different series of Logitech mice based on your usage requirements:

Office Use:
• Recommended MX series, designed with ergonomic comfort for long-term use.
• Multi-device connectivity for convenient switching between different devices.
• Precise scrolling and shortcut key design to enhance work efficiency.

• Recommended G series, featuring high-performance sensors and quick response.
• Customizable buttons and macro functions to enhance gaming experience.
• Durable design and lightweight materials for extended gaming sessions.

Choosing a mouse that suits your needs can greatly improve work efficiency and gaming experience. As a leading mouse brand, Logitech offers a wide range of products to find the one that suits you best. We hope this guide helps you find the perfect Logitech mouse to meet your office and entertainment needs.
