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2025 吸塵機械人選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

隨著科技的進步,吸塵機械人逐漸成為現代家庭中不可或缺的清潔工具。這些智能設備不僅能夠自動完成地板清掃工作,還能提升家庭的清潔效率和便利性。現代科技的進步使得吸塵機械人的智能家居體驗得到了顯著提升,例如更加精準的路線規劃和更高效的清潔能力。以下為各大人氣品牌吸塵機械人推介,包括Ecovacs 科沃斯SwitchBotMi 小米TP-LinkDreame 追覓等,幫助您挑選最合適的吸塵機械人。

1. Ecovacs 科沃斯 DEEBOT T30 PRO OMNI 掃拖機械人

  • 首款恆貼邊防纏繞全能掃拖機械人,「靈隙」靈動恆貼邊技術,「靈纏」雙梳齒防纏繞技術。
  • 最強吸力可達11000Pa,70℃熱水洗淨,9mm抹布抬升,20mm越障能力。
  • 具備智能分段式壓縮集塵功能,能實現最多90天免倒垃圾。
  • 配備5200mAh的電池,在靜音檔吸力、單掃模式下續航最高可達290分鐘。

2. SwitchBot K10+ 迷你吸塵機械人 

  • 2500Pa強勁吸力,可調節4檔吸力,能夠輕鬆吸起大塊碎屑和細小顆粒。
  • 獨特的靜音技術"SilenTech️" 運轉聲音低於48dB以下,無礙日常生活。
  • 360℃旋轉吸管,智慧偵測LDS可跨越2cm障礙物,高性能雷射SLAM,清潔蓋率提高90%。
  • 4L 基地台,可容納雜物免提清潔長達 70 天。 它能自動將灰塵導入集塵袋,是過敏症患者的理想選擇。

3. Mi 小米 BHR8872EN 掃拖機器人 X20 Pro

  • 配備高達 7000Pa 的強力風機,能夠快速吸取灰塵、碎屑和毛髮。
  • 具備自動清洗拖布、熱風烘乾和集塵功能,讓清潔過程更加便捷。拖布可在清潔後自動烘乾,避免產生霉菌和異味。
  • 配備結構光和邊緣雷射的精準避障系統,能夠靈活避開障礙物,並有效防止碰撞,當偵測到地毯時,拖布會自動抬起 10 毫米。
  • 配備 5200mAh 的超大容量電池,在標準模式下可運作約 160 分鐘。

4. TP-Link RV30 Max Plus 雙導航掃拖機器人+自動集塵箱

  • 5300Pa超強吸力,3L大塵袋加自動清空功能。
  • 吸拖兩用,最高可連續清潔150分鐘,吸塵率超過97%,防卡感應器,高達22mm爬升能力。
  • 採用LiDAR和IMU雙導航系統,能在幾分鐘內準確繪製家庭地圖,避免遺漏和重複清潔,並且在黑暗環境中也能正常工作。
  • Tapo IQ+智慧清潔系統作為機器人的大腦,結合多個感測器和先進演算法,提供高效的清掃體驗。

5. Dreame 追覓 X40 Ultra 雙仿生AI全能旗艦掃地機

  • 「首創主動式」雙仿生3D機械臂,模仿真人清掃角落,遇到邊角自動外擴,實現全屋清潔無死角。
  • 具備滾刷、邊刷、拖布三重抬升,首創虛擬爬坡,「主動式2.0」割毛滾刷+自清潔功能。
  • 擁有12,000Pa吸力的掃地機界SUV,70度熱水洗拖布,4檔溫度設計 。
  • AI雙鏡頭感測+四線雷射及多光譜感測,「重污區」自動二次複洗複拖。


1. 定義與簡介
2. 吸塵機械人的基本構造
• 主機本體:圓形或D形設計,便於在狹窄空間中活動。
• 感應器:包括碰撞感應器、紅外線、激光雷達(LiDAR)等,用於定位和避障。
• 吸塵系統:內部吸塵馬達和集塵盒,用於收集灰塵、碎屑和毛髮。
• 電池與充電座:配備可充電電池,通常具備自動回充功能。
• 控制系統:支持手機App控制、語音助手操作,甚至具備學習功能,根據使用者的清潔需求優化路徑。
3. 吸塵機械人的工作原理
• 感知環境:利用感應器和導航技術繪製家庭地圖,確定清掃範圍。
• 規劃路徑:智能算法選擇最佳清掃路徑,確保不漏掃任何區域。
• 執行清潔:刷頭與吸力系統協同工作,將灰塵吸入內部集塵盒。
• 避障與返回:避開家具或其他障礙物,完成工作後自動返回充電座。


1. 清潔能力
• 吸力單位 (Pa):吸力是評估吸塵機械人清潔能力的重要指標。一般來說,普通地板需要的吸力範圍是2000-3000 Pa,而對於地毯,則需要更高的吸力來有效清潔。
• 刷頭類型:不同的刷頭類型對於不同地面類型的清潔效果有顯著影響。例如,滾刷適合清潔地毯,而橡膠刷則更適合硬質地板。
• 邊刷與主刷的協同工作:邊刷能夠有效清潔牆角和邊緣,與主刷的協同工作能確保整體清潔效果更佳。
2. 智能導航
• 導航技術的比較:吸塵機械人使用的導航技術各不相同,包括隨機路徑、陀螺儀導航和激光導航(LiDAR)。激光導航通常提供更精確的路徑規劃。
• 避障技術:先進的避障技術,如3D結構光和AI攝像頭,能夠精準識別障礙物,避免碰撞,提升清掃效率。
3. 電池續航
• 電池容量的影響:不同的電池容量(以mAh計算)會影響吸塵機械人的清潔面積。一般來說,電池容量越大,續航時間越長。
• 快充功能與長效電池:配備快充功能和長效電池的機型能夠減少充電時間,提升使用便利性。
4. 附加功能
• 智能地圖:許多吸塵機械人具備智能地圖功能,允許用戶設置禁區或分區清掃,提升清潔的靈活性。
• 拖地系統:拖地系統的水箱容量與濕度調控對於清潔效果至關重要,能夠有效去除地面污垢。
• 自動集塵站:這一功能適合希望減少手動維護的用戶,能自動清空集塵盒。
• 靜音模式:靜音模式特別適合夜間清潔或家庭有嬰兒的情況,能夠在不打擾家人的情況下進行清掃。


1. 定期清理
• 每周清理刷頭、邊刷和過濾網,以防止吸力下降。這樣可以確保機器在清掃時能夠保持最佳的吸塵效果。
• 定期更換HEPA濾網,以保持空氣質量。HEPA濾網能有效過濾空氣中的微小顆粒,確保家庭環境的健康。
2. 設置清掃計劃
• 根據家居布局設置定時清掃,避免與家人活動時間重疊。這樣可以確保機器在清掃時不會干擾到家庭成員的日常生活。
• 使用智能地圖劃分不同清掃區域,提高效率。許多現代吸塵機械人具備智能地圖功能,能夠根據房間的佈局進行更有效的清掃。
3. 注意地面環境
• 移除纏繞物(如電線和衣物),減少機器被卡住的風險。保持清潔的地面環境能夠提高機器的工作效率。
• 確保水箱的清潔,避免滋生細菌。若機器具備拖地功能,定期清洗水箱是非常重要的,以確保清潔效果和衛生。



2025 Robot Vacuum Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)  

With the advancement of technology, robot vacuum cleaners have gradually become an indispensable cleaning tool in modern households. These intelligent devices not only automate floor cleaning tasks but also enhance the cleanliness efficiency and convenience of homes. The progress of modern technology has significantly improved the smart home experience of robot vacuum cleaners, such as more precise route planning and higher cleaning capabilities. Below are recommendations for popular robot vacuum cleaner brands, including EcovacsSwitchBotMiTP-Link and Dreame, to assist you in selecting the most suitable robot vacuum cleaner.

1. Ecovacs DEEBOT T30 PRO OMNI Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

  • The first all-in-one vacuum and mop robot with edge-cleaning and anti-tangling technologies, featuring "TruEdge" edge-cleaning technology and "ZeroTangle" dual-brush anti-tangling technology.
  • Maximum suction power of up to 11,000Pa, capable of cleaning with 70°C hot water, with a 9mm cloth lift and 20mm obstacle climbing ability.
  • Equipped with intelligent segmented compression dust collection, allowing for up to 90 days without needing to empty the dustbin.
  • Features a 5200mAh battery, providing up to 290 minutes of runtime in silent mode with single sweeping.

2. SwitchBot K10+ Mini Robot Vacuum   

  • Strong suction power of 2500Pa with adjustable suction in four levels, easily picking up large debris and fine particles.
  • Unique silent technology "SilenTech," operating at noise levels below 48dB, ensuring no disturbance to daily life.
  • 360° rotating suction pipe with smart LDS detection, capable of overcoming 2cm obstacles, improving cleaning coverage by 90%.
  • 4L base station that can hold debris for hands-free cleaning for up to 70 days, automatically directing dust into the dust bag, making it ideal for allergy sufferers.

3. Mi BHR8872EN Robot Vacuum X20 Pro

  • Strong suction power of 8000Pa with an extendable mopping arm for deep edge cleaning, featuring an integrated base station for quick hot air drying and 55°C hot water mop pad washing.
  • Equipped with anti-tangle hair cutting technology that automatically cuts tangled hair during cleaning, maintaining brush efficiency.
  • Utilizes structured light and edge laser technology for precise obstacle detection, flexibly avoiding low obstacles and automatically turning around when encountering stairs.
  • Comes with a 5200mAh large capacity battery, operating for about 120 minutes in standard mode.

4. TP-Link RV30 Max Plus Dual Navi System Robot Vacuum + Smart Auto-Empty Dock

  • Features ultra-strong suction power of 5300Pa with a 3L large dust bag and automatic emptying function.
  • Dual-purpose vacuum and mop, capable of continuous cleaning for up to 150 minutes with a dust collection rate exceeding 97%, equipped with anti-jamming sensors and climbing ability of up to 22mm.
  • Employs a dual navigation system with LiDAR and IMU, accurately mapping the home in minutes to avoid missed spots and repeated cleaning, functioning well in dark environments.
  • The Tapo IQ+ smart cleaning system acts as the robot's brain, combining multiple sensors and advanced algorithms for an efficient cleaning experience.

5. Dreame X40 Ultra AI robot vacuum and mop

  • Features a "first-of-its-kind active" dual bionic 3D mechanical arm that mimics human cleaning in corners, automatically extending when encountering edges for comprehensive cleaning without dead spots.
  • Equipped with a roller brush, side brush, and mop with three lifting capabilities, introducing virtual climbing and "Active 2.0" hair-cutting roller brush with self-cleaning function.
  • Known as the SUV of vacuum cleaners with 12,000Pa suction power, capable of washing mop pads with 70°C hot water and four temperature settings.
  • AI dual-camera sensing combined with four-line laser and multispectral sensing for automatic secondary washing and mopping in "heavy dirt areas."

What is a Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

1. Definition and Introduction
A robot vacuum cleaner is a small household cleaning device equipped with intelligent technology that can autonomously perform floor cleaning tasks. It typically features various sensors, a vacuum system, and smart navigation functions, allowing it to efficiently clean floors without the need for manual intervention.
2. Basic Structure of a Robot Vacuum Cleaner
• Main Body: Designed in a circular or D shape for easy maneuverability in narrow spaces.
• Sensors: Including collision sensors, infrared sensors, and laser radar (LiDAR) for positioning and obstacle avoidance.
• Vacuum System: Consisting of an internal vacuum motor and dustbin to collect dust, debris, and hair.
• Battery and Charging Dock: Equipped with a rechargeable battery and typically featuring automatic recharging functionality.
• Control System: Supporting smartphone app control, voice assistant operation, and even learning functionality to optimize cleaning paths based on user needs.
3. Working Principle of a Robot Vacuum Cleaner
• Environmental Perception: Using sensors and navigation technology to map the home environment and determine the cleaning area.
• Path Planning: Intelligent algorithms select the optimal cleaning path to ensure no area is missed.
• Cleaning Execution: Brushes and suction systems work together to collect dust into the internal dustbin.
• Obstacle Avoidance and Return: Maneuvering around furniture or other obstacles, the robot vacuum cleaner automatically returns to the charging dock after completing its task.

Robot Vacuum Cleaner Buying Guide

1. Cleaning Ability
• Suction Power (Pa): Suction power is a crucial indicator of a robot vacuum cleaner's cleaning ability. Generally, normal floors require a suction range of 2000-3000 Pa, while higher suction power is needed for carpets for effective cleaning.
• Brush Types: Different brush types significantly impact cleaning efficiency on various floor types. For example, rolling brushes are suitable for carpets, while rubber brushes are better for hard floors.
• Edge and Main Brush Collaboration: Edge brushes effectively clean corners and edges, working in conjunction with the main brush for overall improved cleaning.
2. Smart Navigation
• Comparison of Navigation Technologies: Robot vacuum cleaners utilize different navigation technologies, including random pathing, gyroscope navigation, and laser navigation (LiDAR). Laser navigation typically offers more precise path planning.
• Obstacle Avoidance Technology: Advanced obstacle avoidance technologies like 3D structural light and AI cameras can precisely identify obstacles, avoid collisions, and enhance cleaning efficiency.
3. Battery Life
• Impact of Battery Capacity: Different battery capacities (measured in mAh) affect the cleaning area a robot vacuum cleaner can cover. Generally, larger battery capacities result in longer runtime.
• Fast Charging and Long-lasting Batteries: Models equipped with fast charging and long-lasting batteries reduce charging time, enhancing convenience.
4. Additional Features
• Smart Mapping: Many robot vacuum cleaners have smart mapping capabilities, allowing users to set no-go zones or zone cleaning for enhanced cleaning flexibility.
• Mopping System: The water tank capacity and humidity control of the mopping system are crucial for effective dirt removal from floors.
• Automatic Dust Collection Station: This feature is suitable for users looking to minimize manual maintenance, automatically emptying the dustbin.
• Quiet Mode: Quiet mode is particularly suitable for night-time cleaning or households with babies, enabling cleaning without disturbing family members.

Usage and Maintenance Tips

1. Regular Cleaning
• Clean brushes, edge brushes, and filters weekly to prevent a decrease in suction power, ensuring optimal cleaning efficiency during operation.
• Regularly replace HEPA filters to maintain air quality. HEPA filters effectively filter out tiny particles in the air, ensuring a healthy home environment.
2. Set Cleaning Schedules
• Schedule cleaning based on home layout to avoid overlapping with family activities. This ensures the robot does not disrupt daily routines.
• Divide cleaning areas using smart mapping for increased efficiency. Many modern robot vacuum cleaners feature smart mapping capabilities for more effective cleaning based on room layout.
3. Mind The Floor Environment
• Remove entanglements (such as wires and clothing) to reduce the risk of the robot getting stuck. A clean floor environment improves the efficiency of the robot's operation.
• Ensure the water tank is clean to prevent bacterial growth. Regularly cleaning the water tank, especially if the robot has a mopping function, is crucial to maintain cleaning effectiveness and hygiene.

A robot vacuum cleaner offers multifunctionality and convenience, effectively reducing the time and effort required for home cleaning. When choosing a suitable robot vacuum cleaner, consider your own needs such as home size, floor material, and budget to make a wise decision. In the future, with technological advancements, robot vacuum cleaners will continue to evolve towards more automation and user-friendly designs, providing users with an enhanced cleaning experience.
