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1. Insta360 X4 全景相機 

  • 支援 8K 超高解析度全景影片拍攝,及支援 5.7K 60fps 拍攝,並可錄製 4K 100fps 慢動作影片。
  • 可在拍攝 360° 全景影片後,透過 Insta360 App 中的 AI 剪輯工具自由選取所需角度,輕鬆構圖創作。
  • 可在拍攝時完全隱藏自拍棒,拍出令人驚奇的低空跟拍和第三人稱視角。
  • 搭載業界領先的 FlowState 防震技術,360° 水平校正。
  • 防水等級高達 IPX8 級,2290mAh 超大電池,在 5.7K 30fps 模式下可連續拍攝 135 分鐘。

2. Marshall 馬歇爾 ACTON III 無線音箱

  • 家庭系列中最細的藍芽揚聲器,聲場比其前身更寬,經過全新的聲場調整設計,可以降低周圍反射面對音效的影響。
  • 升級到藍牙 5.2 技術,可以提升音訊質量,增加串流媒體範圍並改善音訊同步,在觀看影片時顯著提升連接性能。
  • 內置動態響度功能,及採用雙向驅動單元系統,可以讓聲音更加均衡。
  • App 中設有「位置補償模式」功能,可以根據喇叭的擺放位置自動糾正和適應聲音的分佈,獲得更好的聲音效果。

3. LG 樂金 AS65GDST0 PuriCare 360° 空氣清新機

  • 採用 360°全方位吸氣設計,可以全面吸收室內空氣,並透過 4 個出風口以 360°的方式將淨化後的空氣均勻地散佈到整個房間。
  • 內建 PM1.0、PM2.5 和 VOC 感應器,可自動偵測室內空氣品質,並根據實際情況自動調整風量和運轉模式。
  • 採用光觸媒濾網,其除臭效果比標準濾網提高 55%,能有效去除家中的寵物異味。
  • LG 獨創 Pet Mode 寵物模式,可以將氣流集中到地面,提升過濾 35% 以上懸浮於地板上的寵物毛髮。

4. DELONGHI EC685 Dedica Style 半自動咖啡機

  • 機身輪廓纖薄,佔用空間少,闊度只有14.9厘米。
  • 配備15巴壓力泵及可調節的蒸汽管,讓您輕鬆製作豐富的奶泡。
  • 採用加熱塊加熱系統,確保能在完美的溫度下沖調飲品,快速加熱只需約40秒。
  • FLOW STOP 功能,可自設咖啡份量  。

5. Jollying Pebble 摺疊式瘦身行李箱

  • 摺疊式設計榮獲2022年iF設計獎,方便用家可收納在狹小的空間,使用時單手打開就可以完美收納用品、衣服。
  • 20吋摺疊後厚度只有11cm。
  • 堅硬的前後外殼可保護而不會變形,耐用的拉手和搬運手柄,超順滑的無噪音輪子。
  • 全能拉鍊,TSA組合鎖(適用於全球40多個國家)。
  • 以及與硬殼顏色相匹配的定製防水和抗撕裂紡織品。

6. PHILIPS 飛利浦 ADD6910/90 RO純淨飲水機

  • Aquaporin Inside 專利RO 淨化技術,高效過濾,效能持久穩定。
  • 配合革命性一體式RO逆向滲透淨水系統,能去除水中小至0.0001微米的超細污染物,有效去除99.9%細菌、病毒、可溶解性鉛、重金屬、殘留氯氣及農藥。
  • 配備3秒即熱技術。
  • 4段溫度及容量的純淨水。

7. SwitchBot K10+ 迷你吸塵機械人

  • 超小巧機身尺寸,機身直徑僅 25 厘米,可以輕鬆進入狹窄的空間和桌椅底下進行清潔。
  • 強大吸力,最高可達 2500Pa 的強勁吸力,提供 4 檔可調的吸力模式。
  • 獨特的靜音技術"SilenTech️" 運轉聲音低於48dB以下。
  • 包括一個 4L 基地台,可容納雜物長達 70 天, 它能自動將灰塵導入集塵袋。
  • 一次充電可清潔120平方公尺的房間。

8. TOSHIBA 東芝 MS3-STQ20SC 20公升智能蒸氣焗爐

  • 具有恒溫發酵功能(30-45°C,最長24小時),可以維持麵糰在最佳的發酵溫度,讓您輕鬆製作出鬆軟的麵包,發酵時間最長可達24小時。
  • 內置5種清潔消毒模式,包括餐具消毒、奶瓶消毒、爐腔清潔、爐腔除味和蒸氣系統清潔。
  • 配備1.2L的大容量外置式水箱,在穩火慢燉模式下約可連續3小時無需加水。
  • 除了3種純蒸氣模式,這款蒸氣焗爐還支持熱風對流烤焗/炸 (100-230°C, 最長2小時)和蒸氣烤焗 (100-230°C, 最長2小時)等多種烹飪模式 。

9. SMARTECH “Smart Recycle” 環保智能 UV 廚餘機

  • 專利4+2研磨系統,經過發酵過程,把廚餘變為肥料,可減少多達90%廚餘。
  • 雙重活性炭過濾,消除異味,內置UV-C LED 燈,殺滅細菌。
  • 專利可水洗易拆式研磨刀座,清潔方便,可拆式3.8公升廚餘桶。
  • 輕觸式面板配備LED顯示屏,活性炭過濾更換提示。

10. KODAK 柯達 RWF-109 10″觸摸屏高清電子相架

  • 10.1英寸高清LED觸摸屏幕解像度 1920 x 1200 IPS。
  • 內置4000 mAh鋰電池,內置32GB容量一開即用,支援最高64GB MicroSD卡和USB手指使用。
  • 不受地域限制,即時透過APP和Email無線雲端傳輸分享照片/音樂/視頻(15秒) / 10GB 資料雲端傳輸。
  • 在播放相片同時,可選擇搭配背景音樂,亦可透過連接網絡實時同步日期、時間、天氣預報等資訊,亦可以設定鬧鐘提醒。


1. 家用電器:安全穩妥之選
2. 創意/質感擺設:提升居家氛圍 
3. 旅行用品:新婚旅行的完美伴侶 



【2025 Wedding Anniversary/Newlywed Gift Ideas】
Top 10 Wedding Gifts Recommended

Marriage is an important milestone in one's life, representing a new chapter for the couple. On this special occasion, a wedding gift is not only a practical present, but also a symbol of blessings and support for the newlyweds. Carefully selected gifts can not only provide practical assistance to the couple, but also convey your heartfelt wishes, allowing them to feel the care and love from family and friends. This article will recommend 10 popular wedding gift ideas in the form of a ranking, to help you find a unique gift for your family or friends.

1. Insta360 X4 Action Camera

  • Supports 8K ultra-high-resolution 360 video recording, as well as 5.7K 60fps capture, and can record 4K 100fps slow-motion videos.
  • After capturing 360° footage, you can freely select the desired angle through the Insta360 App's AI editing tools to easily compose your shots.
  • Can completely hide the selfie stick during recording, capturing surprising low-angle and third-person perspectives.
  • Features the industry-leading FlowState stabilization technology with 360° horizon leveling.
  • Waterproof up to IPX8 rating, with a large 2290mAh battery that can record continuously for 135 minutes in 5.7K 30fps mode.

2. Marshall ACTON III Wireless Speaker  

  • The smallest Bluetooth speaker in the home series, with a wider sound field than its predecessor, designed with new sound field adjustment to reduce the impact of surrounding reflective surfaces on the audio.
  • Upgraded to Bluetooth 5.2 technology, which can improve audio quality, increase streaming range, and enhance audio synchronization, significantly improving connectivity performance when watching videos.
  • Built-in dynamic loudness function and a dual-driver system to deliver more balanced sound.
  • The "Position Compensation Mode" feature in the app can automatically correct and adapt the sound distribution based on the speaker's placement to achieve better sound quality.

3. LG AS65GDST0 PuriCare™ 360° Air Purifier AS65GDST0

  • Adopts a 360° omnidirectional air intake design, comprehensively absorbing indoor air, and dispersing the purified air evenly throughout the room through 4 air outlets.
  • Built-in PM1.0, PM2.5, and VOC sensors, automatically detecting indoor air quality and adjusting the airflow and operation mode accordingly.
  • Utilizes a photocatalytic filter, with a 55% higher deodorizing effect than standard filters, effectively removing pet odors in the home.
  • LG's exclusive Pet Mode concentrates the airflow towards the floor, improving the filtration of over 35% of pet hair suspended on the ground.

4. DELONGHI EC685 Dedica Style Pump-Driven Espresso Coffee Machine

  • With a slim profile and a width of only 14.9 cm, it takes up minimal space on your countertop.
  • Equipped with a 15-bar pressure pump and an adjustable steam wand, allowing you to easily create rich and creamy froth.
  • Uses a thermoblock heating system to ensure the perfect temperature for brewing, with a quick heat-up time of approximately 40 seconds.
  • Features a FLOW STOP function, allowing you to customize the coffee volume according to your preference.

5. Jollying Pebble Foldable Suitcase

  • Winner of the 2022 iF Design Award, this product is designed for convenient storage in small spaces. It can be easily opened with one hand to perfectly organize items and clothes.
  • Only 11cm thick after folding for 20" size.
  • The rigid front and rear shell provide protection without deformation.
  • Durable handles and carrying handles. Ultra-smooth and noiseless wheels.
  • Universal zipper and TSA combination lock (applicable in over 40 countries worldwide).
  • Comes with custom waterproof and tear-resistant textiles matching the hardshell color.

6. PHILIPS ADD6910/90 RO Water Dispenser

  • Equipped with the patented Aquaporin Inside RO purification technology, it provides highly efficient and long-lasting filtration.
  • Paired with a revolutionary all-in-one RO reverse osmosis water purification system, it can remove ultra-fine pollutants as small as 0.0001 microns from the water, effectively removing 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, soluble lead, heavy metals, residual chlorine, and pesticides.
  • Features 3-second instant heating technology.
  • Provides 4 temperature and volume settings for pure water.

7. SwitchBot K10+ Mini Robot Vacuum

  • Extremely compact body size, with a diameter of only 25 cm, allowing it to easily enter narrow spaces and under tables and chairs for cleaning.
  • Powerful suction, with a maximum of 2500Pa strong suction, providing 4 adjustable suction modes.
  • Unique "SilenTech" noise reduction technology, operating at less than 48dB.
  • Includes a 4L base station that can hold debris for up to 70 days, automatically funneling dust into a collection bag.
  • Can clean a 120 square meter room on a single charge.

8. TOSHIBA MS3-STQ20SC 20L Smart Control Steam Oven

  • Features a constant temperature fermentation function (30-45°C, up to 24 hours), which can maintain the dough at the optimal fermentation temperature, allowing you to easily make soft bread, with a maximum fermentation time of 24 hours.
  • Built-in 5 cleaning and sterilization modes, including utensil sterilization, bottle sterilization, oven cavity cleaning, oven cavity deodorization, and steam system cleaning.
  • Equipped with a 1.2L large capacity external water tank, which can run for about 3 hours continuously in slow cooking mode without needing to add water.
  • In addition to 3 pure steam modes, this steam oven also supports hot air convection baking/frying (100-230°C, up to 2 hours) and steam baking (100-230°C, up to 2 hours) cooking modes.

9. SMARTECH “Smart Recycle” Intelligent UV Food Waste Disposer

  • Patented 4+2 grinding system, through the fermentation process, turns food waste into fertilizer, reducing food waste by up to 90%.
  • Dual-layer active carbon filtration, eliminating odors, with built-in UV-C LED lights to kill bacteria.
  • Patented washable and detachable grinding blade assembly, easy to clean, with a detachable 3.8L food waste bucket.
  • Touch panel with LED display, with active carbon filter replacement reminder.

10. KODAK RWF-109 10″IPS Touch Panel Digital Photo Frame

  • 10.1-inch high-definition LED touch screen with 1920 x 1200 IPS resolution.
  • Built-in 4000 mAh lithium battery, 32GB built-in capacity ready to use, supports up to 64GB MicroSD card and USB flash drive.
  • No regional restrictions, instantly share photos/music/videos (15 seconds) / 10GB cloud storage via APP and Email wireless cloud transmission.
  • While playing photos, you can choose to accompany with background music, and you can also connect to the network to synchronize real-time date, time, weather forecast information, and set alarms.

Wedding Gift Buying Guide

Getting Closer to the Newlyweds' Lives
When choosing a wedding gift, it is crucial to understand the lifestyle and needs of the newlyweds. Pay close attention to their preferences and habits, selecting gifts that align with their tastes and practical requirements. This not only showcases your thoughtfulness but also ensures that the gift will truly be useful to the couple. Below are some recommended categories of gifts that combine practicality and quality.
1. Household Appliances: A Safe and Practical Choice
For a newly married couple, practical small household appliances make excellent gifts. Items like dehumidifiers, vacuum cleaners, etc., not only help them maintain their living environment but also add a sense of security to their new home.
2. Creative/Quality Decor: Enhancing the Home Ambiance 
Apart from practicality, you can also opt for tasteful and creative home decor items such as customized photo frames, aromatherapy products, etc., to add warmth and personalized ambiance to their new home.
3. Travel Gear: The Perfect Companion for Honeymoon Travels 
The honeymoon is a highly anticipated journey for the newlyweds. Selecting practical travel gear like high-quality luggage can not only enhance their honeymoon trip but also accompany them on their future adventures.
Gift-Giving Taboos: Avoiding Unlucky Choices 
When choosing gifts, it's important to be mindful of cultural taboos, such as avoiding items like umbrellas (symbolizing separation) or objects associated with the number 4 (considered unlucky due to its homophonic nature), to prevent conveying negative meanings to the recipients.

Selecting a wedding gift requires thoughtful consideration. It should not only meet the lifestyle needs of the newlyweds but also convey your blessings towards them. Carefully chosen gifts not only provide practical assistance to the couple but also make them feel the love and care of their friends and family. Wishing all newlyweds a happy and fulfilling married life!
