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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

【2025 雙12購物攻略】

雙12購物節,作為年底的購物熱潮,源於雙11的成功,最初只是作為雙11的延續,後來逐漸發展成為一個重要的購物節。各大電商紛紛推出延續雙11的優惠活動,讓消費者有更多機會以優惠價格購買心儀商品。雙12也被稱為「安可慶」,象徵著年底購物狂潮的完美收官。 本文將為你介紹以下十大年度必買產品,包括多個人氣品牌 SONY 索尼Philips飛利浦DJI 大疆Marshall 馬歇爾FOREOPANASONIC 樂聲牌等,讓你可以在最優惠時間入手!

1. DJI 大疆 Osmo Pocket 3 運動相機 

  • 一英吋口袋雲台相機 ,配備 1 吋 CMOS 感光元件,支援高達 4K/120fps 的錄影。
  • 內建三軸穩定器,配備2 吋全彩 OLED 觸控旋轉螢幕。
  • 可在 16 分鐘內充電至 80%,並在完全充電後可錄製長達 166 分鐘的 1080p/24fps 影片。

2. Marshall 馬歇爾 Emberton III 藍芽喇叭

  • 擁有比前身更多的低音,動態音量調節會隨著您改變音量而調整音調平衡,內置麥克風。
  • 採用獨特的 True Stereophonic 技術,提供真正的 360 度全向聲音,支援 Bluetooth LE Audio 技術。
  • 採用79% 環保再生塑料構造,IP67防水防塵等級。
  • 一次充電可提供超過 32 小時的播放時間,並且充電僅需 2 小時。

3. PHILIPS 飛利浦 ADD6910/90 RO純淨飲水機

  • Aquaporin Inside 專利RO 淨化技術,高效過濾,效能持久穩定。
  • 配合革命性一體式RO逆向滲透淨水系統,能去除水中小至0.0001微米的超細污染物,有效去除99.9%細菌、病毒、可溶解性鉛、重金屬、殘留氯氣及農藥。
  • 配備3秒即熱技術。
  • 4段溫度及容量的純淨水。

4. FOREO LUNA 3 潔面按摩儀 (混合性皮膚) 

  • T-SONIC 垂直聲波脉動技術:每分鐘8,000 次透膚聲波脉動,透過柔軟矽膠觸點,能去除高達 99.5% 的污垢、油脂和化妝品殘留,效果遠超手部清潔。
  • 低頻脈動設計有助於放鬆面部肌肉,撫平細紋,並緊緻肌膚。
  • 全身防水,刷毛由抗菌矽膠製成,不易滋生細菌,一次充電可使用 650次,適用膚質:混合性肌膚。

5. SONY 索尼 PlayStation 5 PS5 Slim 數碼版主機

  • 比原版 PS5 主機更輕薄,體積更小巧,採用直立架設計,可垂直或水平擺放。
  • 搭載 AMD Zen 2 CPU 和 RDNA 2 GPU,支援 4K 高畫質遊戲、高達 120fps 的流暢畫面,快速固態硬盤 (SSD) 大幅縮短遊戲載入時間。
  • 採用 DualSense 無線控制器,提供身臨其境的觸覺回饋,支援 3D 音訊技術,營造沉浸式聲音效果。

6. GERMAN POOL 德國寶 HTW-320 移動浴室寶 

  • 可掛鈎﹑掛牆﹑座檯,易裝易拆,隨心移動,IP23防塵防水等級。
  • 兩段暖風模式配合吹風功能,適用於浴室、嬰兒房及辦公室等。
  • PTC高效發熱技術,快速製暖,特設低風速環保模式。
  • 配備可拆式金屬架,供晾掛或烘乾毛巾或小衣物。

7. PANASONIC 樂聲牌 EH-NA0J nanoe® 護髮風筒

  • 創新nanoe® MOISTURE+技術,為秀髮帶來1.9倍水潤,礦物離子可收緊頭髮毛鱗片,打造能抑制染髮褪色,吹髮同時護髮,有助平衡油脂分泌。
  • 6種護理模式選擇,內置2個智能溫度感測器。
  • 附集風咀及專業造型風咀,輕量化外型設計,內置過熱保護裝置。

8. PHILIPS 飛利浦 Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9700 HX9954/52 聲波震動電動牙刷

  • Sonicare 聲波科技,31,000次震動及擺幅,能有效去除牙菌膜。
  • 配備智能刷頭辨識技術,能自動識別所使用的刷頭類型,並調整至最佳的刷牙模式和強度,備刷牙壓力提示燈。
  • 透過藍牙連接App操作, 提供刷牙方式指導,並追蹤刷牙習慣,幫助改善口腔健康。
  • 5款護理模式 : 清潔、亮白、深層清潔、牙齦健康及舌頭清潔,3 段牙刷力度選擇。

9. DELONGHI DCH7993ER.BC 陶瓷式暖風機

  • 陶瓷發熱技術,最大輸出功率可達 2400 瓦。
  • 3種溫度調校,恆溫功能, 24小時時間掣,電動搖擺送風,讓暖風更快及有效地送往室內每一個角落。
  • 翻倒自動斷電裝置 ,可拆卸及清洗防塵過濾網,備有遙控器 。

10. BRUNO BOE053-BGY 多功能煮食爐

  • 配備 1430W 的發熱板,能夠快速加熱,縮短烹飪時間。
  • 此煮食爐不僅可以用來煎、炒、烤,還可以製作章魚燒,溫度可調範圍從 65°C(保溫)至 250°C(高溫煎烤),適合不同的烹飪方式和食材需求。
  • 特厚的壓鑄鋁不沾烤盤設計,方便清潔,並且鍋邊設有保護隔,減少清潔難度。
  • 配件包括平面烤盤、章魚燒(24粒)、陶瓷深窩。


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2. 關注活動時間與特價商品
3. 留意物流與送貨時間


1. 提前準備新年禮物
2. 消費者與電商雙贏



【2025 Double 12 Crazy Shopping Festival】
Top 10 Must-buy Hit Products on Double 12

The Double 12 Shopping Festival, as the year-end shopping frenzy, originated from the success of Double 11. Initially just an extension of Double 11, it gradually evolved into a significant shopping event. Major e-commerce platforms have successively launched promotions following Double 11, providing consumers with more opportunities to purchase desired items at discounted prices. Double 12 is also known as "Encore Celebration," symbolizing the perfect finale of the year-end shopping craze. This article will introduce you to the top 10 must-buy products of the year, including popular brands such as SONYPhilipsDJIMarshallFOREOPANASONIC, allowing you to make your purchases at the best possible prices during this festive period!

1. DJI Osmo Pocket 3 Action Camera 

  • A one-inch pocket gimbal camera equipped with a 1-inch CMOS sensor, supporting recording up to 4K/120fps.
  • Built-in three-axis stabilizer with a 2-inch full-color OLED touchscreen that rotates.
  • Charges up to 80% in 16 minutes and can record up to 166 minutes of 1080p/24fps video on a full charge.

2. Marshall Emberton III Bluetooth Speaker

  • Offers more bass than its predecessor, with dynamic volume adjustment that balances tone as you change volume and a built-in microphone.
  • Utilizes unique True Stereophonic technology for true 360-degree omnidirectional sound, supports Bluetooth LE Audio technology.
  • Constructed from 79% environmentally friendly recycled plastic, with an IP67 waterproof and dustproof rating.
  • Provides over 32 hours of playback on a single charge, requiring only 2 hours to recharge.

3. PHILIPS ADD6910/90 RO Water Dispenser

  • Equipped with the patented Aquaporin Inside RO purification technology, it provides highly efficient and long-lasting filtration.
  • Paired with a revolutionary all-in-one RO reverse osmosis water purification system, it can remove ultra-fine pollutants as small as 0.0001 microns from the water, effectively removing 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, soluble lead, heavy metals, residual chlorine, and pesticides.
  • Features 3-second instant heating technology.
  • Provides 4 temperature and volume settings for pure water.

4. Foreo LUNA 3 Facial Cleansing Massager (Combination Skin)  

  • T-SONIC vertical sonic pulsation technology: 8,000 pulsations per minute through soft silicone touchpoints, removes up to 99.5% of dirt, oil, and makeup residue far better than manual cleaning.
  • Low-frequency pulsations help relax facial muscles, smooth wrinkles, and tighten skin.
  • Fully waterproof, brush made of antibacterial silicone, rechargeable for 650 uses, suitable for combination skin.

5. SONY PlayStation 5 PS5 Slim Digital Version Console

  • Slimmer and more compact than the original PS5 console, featuring a vertical stand design that can be placed vertically or horizontally.
  • Powered by AMD Zen 2 CPU and RDNA 2 GPU, supporting 4K high-definition gaming and smooth visuals of up to 120fps, with fast solid-state drive (SSD) significantly reducing game loading times.
  • Comes with the DualSense wireless controller, providing immersive haptic feedback and supporting 3D audio technology for an immersive sound experience.

6. GERMAN POOL HTW-320 Portable Bathroom Heater 

  • Can be hung, wall-mounted, or placed on a table, easy to install and move, IP23 dust and waterproof rating.
  • Two-stage warm air mode with a hairdryer function, suitable for bathrooms, nurseries, and offices.
  • PTC efficient heating technology for quick heating, with a special low-speed eco-friendly mode.
  • Equipped with a detachable metal rack for hanging or drying towels or small clothing items.

7. PANASONIC EH-NA0J nanoe® Hair Dryer

  • Innovative nanoe® MOISTURE+ technology brings 1.9 times more moisture to hair, mineral ions tighten hair cuticles to prevent color fading and provide hair care while blow-drying, helping balance oil secretion.
  • Choose from 6 care modes, with 2 built-in intelligent temperature sensors.
  • Includes concentrator and professional styling nozzles, lightweight design, and built-in overheat protection.

8. PHILIPS Sonicare DiamondClean Smart 9700 HX9954/52 Sonic Electric Toothbrush

  • Sonicare sonic technology with 31,000 vibrations and movements per minute effectively removes plaque.
  • Equipped with smart brush head recognition technology that automatically identifies the type of brush head in use, adjusting to the optimal brushing mode and intensity, with a pressure sensor indicator light.
  • Connects to the app via Bluetooth for brushing guidance, tracking of brushing habits, and improving oral health.
  • 5 care modes: Clean, White+, Deep Clean+, Gum Health, Tongue Care, with 3 brush intensity settings.

9. DELONGHI DCH7993ER.BC Ceramic Heater  

  • Ceramic heating technology with a maximum output power of 2400 watts.
  • 3 temperature settings, thermostat function, 24-hour timer, oscillating fan, ensuring fast and effective distribution of warm air throughout the room.
  • Features a tip-over automatic shut-off device, removable and washable dust filter, and includes a remote control.

10. BRUNO BOE053-BGY Multi-Function Cooker

  • Equipped with a 1430W heating plate for quick heating, reducing cooking time.
  • This cooking stove can be used for frying, sautéing, baking, and making takoyaki, with temperature adjustable from 65°C (keep warm) to 250°C (high heat grilling), suitable for various cooking methods and ingredient requirements.
  • Thick die-cast aluminum non-stick grill plate design for easy cleaning, with protective sides to reduce cleaning difficulty.
  • Accessories include flat grill plate, takoyaki plate (24 pieces), ceramic deep pot.

Shopping Strategies for Double 12

1. Plan Ahead with Shopping Lists and Budgets
Double 12 offers various discounts such as full amount discounts, cashbacks, and limited quantity deals. Consumers should organize shopping lists in advance and set reasonable budgets to avoid impulsive spending or missing out on discount opportunities.
2. Pay Attention to Event Timing and Special Deals
ElecBoy Appliances will have timed flash sales and value-packed deals on Double 12. It's recommended for consumers to set reminders, lock in discounted items early, and ensure they can grab the best deals.
3. Be Mindful of Logistics and Delivery Times
The end of the year is a peak period for logistics, and the volume of Double 12 orders may lead to extended delivery times. Consumers should understand delivery times in advance, especially when purchasing holiday gifts, to avoid delays affecting holiday plans.

Extended Values of Double 12 Shopping Festival

1. Prepare New Year Gifts in Advance
With only a few weeks left until the New Year, Double 12 is the best time for consumers to purchase New Year gifts. The holiday section and promotional activities on platforms provide a wide selection of practical and thoughtful gifts.
2. Win-Win for Consumers and E-Commerce
Double 12 is not just an opportunity for consumers to enjoy discounts but also the final surge for e-commerce platforms to boost sales. This shopping festival truly showcases the prosperity of the digital economy.

The Double 12 shopping festival is not just a shopping extravaganza but also sets the stage for a wonderful start to the New Year. Consumers should spend wisely, make use of discounts, enjoy the pleasure of shopping, and end the year on a perfect note!
