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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2024年洗面機選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

洗臉是每天不可或缺的護膚步驟,而選擇適合的洗面機更能提升清潔效果,減少皮膚問題的發生。隨著科技的進步,洗面機的種類與功能不斷更新,讓消費者能夠依據自己的膚質需求選擇最合適的產品。以下為各大人氣品牌洗面機推介,包括FOREOJUJYface factoryBeluluPANASONIC 樂聲牌等,幫助您挑選最合適的洗面機。

1. FOREO LUNA 4凈透舒緩潔面儀 (中性肌)

  • 採用柔軟親膚矽膠,較上一代柔軟度高17%,潔面體驗更加柔軟不傷膚。
  • 提供三種清潔模式(溫和、常規、深層)以及16檔可調節的T-Sonic脈動強度,針對不同肌膚需求進行定制化清潔。
  • 每分鐘高達8,000次的T-Sonic脈動技術,可在1分鐘內有效去除99.5%的面部污垢、油脂和彩妝殘留。
  • 提供5種針對性的按摩手法,如淋巴引流按摩、深層按摩等,有助於緊緻面部肌膚,減少細紋,改善肌膚彈性。

2. JUJY 灌膚級家用智能暖吸冷收毛孔清潔機 

  • 解決面部油脂堵塞問題,溫熱導出,熱水循環系統,打開毛孔,軟化黑頭,溶解深層污垢。
  • 利用熱瞬真空吸技術,將黑頭粉刺、毛孔深層污垢迅速吸出。
  • 一機兩用,幹吸濕吸同步進行,熱水導出軟化角質同時,水氧循環系統,導入所需營養成份, 清潔徹底同時補水保濕。
  • 冰感水循環系統,冰感藍光收縮毛孔鎖住營養,縮小毛孔讓肌膚恢復健康狀態。

3. face factory 吸黑頭機

  • 由韓國推出的毛孔護理機,擁有強勁真空吸力,而且採用的是低刺激溫和技術,不怕吸傷皮膚。
  • 共有4種吸頭,除了鼻上的黑頭外,也能清走臉上的角質,一部護理機解決臉部皮膚多種問題。
  • 提供3段吸力調節,有效去除角質和粉刺,減少油脂積聚,可根據個人皮膚情況調整吸力強度。
  • 通過韓國CE和KC安全認證,可放心使用。

4. Belulu Classy 超聲波離子導入導出彩光潔面儀

  • 設有五大功能,離子導入、離子導出、振動按摩、超聲波及光子嫩膚 ( 紅光、綠光、藍光 )。
  • 離子導出可深層清潔,免除手洗無法洗掉的深層污垢,導出可吸附帶負極因子的化妝品殘留物等髒東西,比手洗潔面更為有效。
  • 離子導入 + 震動按摩 - 將美容液成分離子化,變成極易被皮膚吸收的形態,然後再導入肌膚深層。
  • 超聲波振動每秒鐘300萬次,最深可達皮下 10mm,有效去除皮膚角質和深層油污,促進肌膚血液循環,加快新陳代謝。
  • LED 燈光子嫩膚,設有三色嫩膚彩光,有效針對不同的肌膚問題,不含紫外線且不發熱。

5. PANASONIC 樂聲牌 EHSC65 面部潔膚儀

  • 備有「泡沫潔淨」(柔和、標準)及「溫感卸妝」兩種模式,可滿足不同的潔面需求。
  • 具有5秒自動製泡功能,綿密的泡沫能減低潔面時對面部的磨擦,適合敏感肌膚使用。配備按摩潔面按摩滾珠,可在潔面時同時按摩。
  • 配合柔軟潔面刷頭,締造零感細緻的雙重潔面體驗。另有毛孔潔淨刷頭,適合清潔鼻部、下巴等較粗糙或容易出現毛孔堵塞的部位。
  • 溫感卸妝頭備有2段溫度調節(約43°C及48°C),配合卸妝產品使用,有助輕易卸下妝容。
  • 全機防水,可於淋浴時使用,世界通用電壓。


1. 電動與聲波模式
2. 洗面機刷頭材質
3. 多功能設計
4. 防水性
5. 啟動方式
6. 根據膚質選擇
不同膚質的人群需要選擇不同的洗面機。中性皮膚可以選擇清潔力適中的洗面機;油性皮膚建議選擇深層清潔效果好的電動洗面機;乾性皮膚則更適合溫和的聲波洗面機,避免過度清潔;混合性皮膚可以選擇多功能洗面機, 針對不同部位進行不同的護理; 敏感性皮膚則應選擇硅膠刷頭的聲波洗面機,避免刺激皮膚。



2024 Face Cleanser Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)  

Cleansing the face is an indispensable skincare step every day, and choosing the right cleansing device can further enhance the cleaning effect and reduce skin problems. With the advancement of technology, the types and functions of cleansing devices are constantly being updated, allowing consumers to choose the most suitable product based on their skin type needs. The following are recommendations for popular cleansing device brands, including FOREOJUJYface factoryBelulu and PANASONIC, to help you select the most suitable cleansing device.

1. FOREO LUNA 4凈透舒緩潔面儀 (中性肌)

  • Featuring soft, skin-friendly silicone, 17% softer than the previous generation for a gentler cleansing experience.
  • Offers three cleansing modes (Gentle, Regular, Deep) and 16 adjustable T-Sonic pulsation intensities to customize the cleansing to your skin's needs.
  • The T-Sonic pulsation technology delivers up to 8,000 pulsations per minute, effectively removing 99.5% of dirt, oil and makeup residue in just 1 minute.
  • Provides 5 targeted massage techniques, such as lymphatic drainage and deep tissue massage, to help firm the skin, reduce fine lines, and improve skin elasticity.

2. JUJY Smart warm-cold-absorbing pore cleaning machine 

  • Solves the problem of clogged facial pores, using warm extraction to soften and remove blackheads and deep-seated impurities.
  • Utilizes thermal vacuum suction technology to quickly extract blackheads, pimples, and deep-seated pore impurities.
  • Dual-function device, performing both dry and wet suction simultaneously - the warm water extraction softens dead skin cells while the water oxygen circulation system introduces necessary nutrients, providing a thorough cleansing and hydration.
  • The cool water circulation system and blue light therapy help shrink pores and lock in nutrients, restoring the skin's healthy state.

3. face factory BEAUTY SUCTION  

  • Developed in Korea, this pore care device has powerful vacuum suction, yet uses a gentle, low-irritation technology that won't damage the skin.
  • Features 4 different suction heads to remove not just nose blackheads, but also facial dead skin and impurities.
  • Offers 3 suction intensity levels, effectively removing dead skin and blemishes while reducing oil buildup - adjust the suction to suit your skin's needs.
  • Certified safe for use with Korean CE and KC certifications.

4. Belulu Classy Ultrasonic Ion Composite Beauty Device

  • Features five functions: ionic infusion, ionic extraction, vibration massage, ultrasonic, and phototherapy (red, green, blue light).
  • Ionic extraction deeply cleanses, removing makeup residue and other impurities that regular washing can't reach, more effectively than manual cleansing.
  • Ionic infusion + vibration massage - ionizes skincare ingredients, making them more readily absorbed into the skin's deeper layers.
  • 300,000 ultrasonic vibrations per second, penetrating up to 10mm under the skin, effectively removing dead skin cells and deep-seated oil, improving blood circulation and metabolism.
  • LED phototherapy offers three rejuvenating light colors to target different skin concerns, without UV or heat.

5. PANASONIC EHSC65 Facial Cleansing Device

  • Features "Foaming Cleansing" (Gentle, Standard) and "Warm Makeup Removal" modes to suit different cleansing needs.
  • Automatic 5-second foaming function creates a rich, creamy lather to minimize friction on the skin, suitable for sensitive skin. Includes a massage cleansing roller.
  • Paired with a soft cleansing brush head for a delicate, dual-cleansing experience. Also includes a pore cleansing brush head for the nose, chin, and other rough or clogged areas.
  • The warm makeup removal head has 2 temperature settings (approx. 43°C and 48°C) to help easily remove makeup when used with makeup remover products.
  • Fully waterproof for use in the shower, with universal voltage.

Face Cleanser Buying Guide

1. Electric vs. Sonic Modes
Electric facial cleansing devices use rotating brush heads to effectively remove dead skin cells and deeply cleanse the skin. However, the strong friction may cause irritation for those with sensitive skin. In contrast, sonic cleansing devices use high-frequency vibrations to clean, generating less friction and better suited for delicate skin textures.
2. Brush Head Materials
Bristle brush heads provide deep cleansing, but need to be replaced regularly to prevent bacterial growth. Silicone brush heads are more anti-bacterial, suitable for sensitive skin, and easier to clean and maintain.
3. Multi-functional Design
Beyond basic cleansing, some facial devices offer additional skincare features, such as microcurrent technology to help tighten skin and improve blood circulation, or light therapy with different wavelengths to address skin concerns like whitening or anti-aging. Heating functions can also enhance the absorption of skincare products.
4. Waterproof Design
Facial cleansing devices need to be waterproof to be safely used in the bathroom environment, preventing the risk of electric shocks.
5. Activation Method
Rechargeable devices are convenient for home use with longer battery life. Replaceable battery-operated devices are more suitable for frequent travelers who don't want to worry about bringing a charger.
6. Selecting Based on Skin Type
Different skin types require different facial cleansing devices. Normal skin can use a moderately cleansing device; oily skin benefits from a deep-cleansing electric device; dry skin is better suited for a gentle sonic device to avoid over-cleansing; combination skin can use a multi-functional device to address different areas; and sensitive skin should opt for a sonic device with a silicone brush head to minimize irritation.

Facial cleansers have become an essential modern skincare tool. Choosing a device that suits your skin type and lifestyle can not only improve cleansing results, but also enhance your daily skincare routine. Hopefully this guide helps you find the most suitable facial cleansing device for healthy, glowing skin.
