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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2024年WiFi蛋選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

在外出旅行時,網絡連接已成為必需品。無論是查詢地圖、聯絡朋友還是分享照片,都離不開穩定的網絡支持。目前市面上常見的旅行上網方式包括 SIM 卡、國際漫遊和 WiFi 蛋,本文將會探討WiFi 蛋是否能成為最佳的旅行上網工具。以下為各大人氣品牌WiFi蛋推介,包括TP-LinkSmartGoNETGEARLinksysGLOCALME等,幫助您挑選最合適的WiFi蛋。

1. TP-Link M7350 150M 4G LTE 隨身無線路由器

  • 支援最新世代 4G LTE 行動網路的進階版 LTE 行動 Wi-Fi 分享器,可以提供高達 150Mbps 的下載速度。
  • 最多可同時連接 10 台設備,包括智慧型手機、平板電腦和筆記型電腦。
  • 內建2000mAh大容量電池,可連續使用15小時。
  • 美國Qualcomm MDM9207 LTE 晶片,支援 32GB 的 Micro SD 卡。

2. SmartGo Pokefi 隨身無線路由器(Type-C) 附5GB全球數據用量 

  • 採用 Qualcomm 專利技術,可在全球170多個國家和地區提供高速4G/LTE上網服務,讓您隨時隨地保持連線。
  • 內置專利虛擬SIM技術,無需頻繁更換實體SIM卡,使用更加方便。
  • 附送5GB全球數據流量,不設有效期限,開機即可使用。
  • 可選擇日通行證或流量包的"即付即用"充值計劃,低至每GB或每日3美元,海外及本地數據費用劃一收費。
  • 可更換式電池設計,使用時間長達16小時,可分享8台設備同時在線連接。

3. NETGEAR Nighthawk M5 5G WiFi 6 流動熱點裝置 (MR5200)

  • 最新 5G 數據網絡支援速度高達 4Gbps,雙頻 WiFi 6 網絡,多裝置上網更順暢。
  • 最多連接32部裝置提供高速上網。
  • 配備大容量 5040mAh 可拆式電池,可提供全天候使用,亦可改成手插火牛。
  • 設有 2.4 吋觸控式螢幕,可輕鬆啟動和管理 WiFi、設定以及監控數據使用情況。

4. Linksys FGHSAX1800 5G 流動熱點

  • 提供 AX1800 規格的 Wi-Fi 6 連接,最高下載速度可達 1.8Gbps。採用高通最新的 Snapdragon X55 5G 晶片組,理論下載速度高達 1.5Gbps。
  • 最多可同時支援 15 部裝置連線。
  • 輕巧便攜設計,機身重量只有 185g,比市面上其他 5G 熱點輕便很多。
  • 4,000mAh 電池容量,並支援 QC 3.0 快速充電。

5. GLOCALME Numen Air 5G 高速隨身隨身無線路由器附1.1GB全球數據用量

  • 無需SIM卡,開機即可連上高速穩定5G網絡。
  • 附有1.1GB全球通用數據流量,可在170多個國家和地區使用,無需另外購買SIM卡。
  • 機身只有1.4厘米超薄設計,重量僅220g,輕便攜帶。
  • 最多可同時連接10台設備,支援WiFi 6技術,提供更快更穩定的無線連接。
  • 內置 5400mAh 電池,可提供長達12小時的連續使用時間。


1. SIM卡
SIM 卡的優點是購買容易,許多國家都有專門的旅遊 SIM 卡供應,且免除攜帶額外設備的麻煩。但缺點是需要更換現有 SIM 卡,可能會導致本地號碼無法使用,而且購買及激活過程可能較為複雜,覆蓋範圍也可能有限。
2. 國際漫遊
國際漫遊的優點是使用原來的手機號碼,不需更換 SIM 卡或額外設置,即可直接使用,方便快捷。但缺點是資費昂貴,尤其是在某些國家或地區,而且可能出現隱藏費用,如漫遊數據封頂費。
3. eSIM
eSIM卡一般適合個人或1-2人使用,操作簡單,無需插入實體 SIM 卡即可切換網路運營商,且支持多卡多待,用戶可以在同一部手機上同時使用多個電話號碼和網路服務。但缺點是較舊型號的手機可能不支援 eSIM 功能,且一旦啟用 eSIM,就無法隨意刪除或重新安裝。
4. WiFi蛋
WiFi 蛋的優點是可以多台設備共享,非常適合家庭或多人團隊使用。資費通常也較為固定,易於預算控制。但缺點是需要隨身攜帶,並保持設備充電,部分地區可能出現信號不穩或無覆蓋的情況。


1. 連接設備數量
2. 網絡速度和頻段支援
3. 適用地區
4. 電池續航能力
5. 租借 vs 購買

WiFi 蛋作為旅行上網的工具,無論是多台設備共享還是資費穩定,都是值得考慮的選擇。根據旅行地點、使用需求及預算,選擇最適合自己的 WiFi 蛋型號,定能為您的旅行增添便利。


2024 WiFi Egg Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)  

When traveling abroad, internet connectivity has become a necessity. Whether it's checking maps, contacting friends, or sharing photos, stable internet support is essential. Common ways of accessing the internet while traveling include SIM cards, international roaming, and WiFi eggs. This article will explore whether WiFi eggs can be the best tool for internet connectivity while traveling. Here are recommendations for popular brands of WiFi eggs, including TP-LinkSmartGoNETGEARLinksys and GLOCALME, to help you choose the most suitable WiFi egg.

1. TP-Link M7350 150M 4G LTE Advance Pocket Wifi

  • An advanced LTE mobile Wi-Fi hotspot supporting the latest generation 4G LTE mobile networks, providing download speeds of up to 150Mbps.
  • Can connect up to 10 devices simultaneously, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
  • Built-in 2000mAh high-capacity battery for up to 15 hours of continuous use.
  • Features the US Qualcomm MDM9207 LTE chip, supporting Micro SD cards up to 32GB.

2. SmartGo Pokefi 4G/LTE Pocket WiFi (Type-C) Starter with 5GB data  

  • Utilizes Qualcomm patented technology to offer high-speed 4G/LTE internet access in over 170 countries and regions, keeping you connected anytime, anywhere.
  • Incorporates patented virtual SIM technology for convenient use without the need to frequently change physical SIM cards.
  • Includes 5GB global data volume with no expiration date, ready for immediate use upon startup.
  • Offers "pay-as-you-go" recharge plans for daily passes or data packages, starting as low as $3 per day or per GB, with unified charges for overseas and local data usage.
  • Features a replaceable battery design for up to 16 hours of usage and simultaneous connectivity for 8 devices.

3. NETGEAR Nighthawk M5 5G WiFi 6 Mobile Router (MR5200)

  • Utilizes the latest 5G data network supporting speeds of up to 4Gbps, dual-band WiFi 6 for smoother multi-device internet access.
  • Connects up to 32 devices simultaneously for high-speed internet access.
  • Equipped with a large 5040mAh removable battery for all-day use, can also be converted into a power bank.
  • Features a 2.4-inch touchscreen for easy WiFi activation and management, settings, and data monitoring.

4. LINKSYS FGHSAX1800 5G Mobile Hotspot  

  • Offers AX1800 Wi-Fi 6 connectivity with maximum download speeds of up to 1.8Gbps. Utilizes the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon X55 5G chipset for theoretical download speeds of up to 1.5Gbps.
  • Supports up to 15 simultaneous device connections.
  • Lightweight and portable design, weighing only 185g, much lighter than other 5G hotspots on the market.
  • 4,000mAh battery capacity with support for QC 3.0 fast charging.

5. Glocalme Numen Air 5G Pocket Wi-Fi Device with 1.1GB Global Data  

  • No SIM card required, connects to high-speed stable 5G network upon startup.
  • Includes 1.1GB of global universal data, usable in over 170 countries and regions without the need for an additional SIM card.
  • Ultra-thin design at only 1.4cm thick, weighing just 220g for easy portability.
  • Connects up to 10 devices simultaneously, supports WiFi 6 technology for faster and more stable wireless connections.
  • Built-in 5400mAh battery for up to 12 hours of continuous use.

Comparison of SIM Cards, International Roaming, eSIMs, and Pocket WiFi

1. SIM Card
The advantage of SIM cards is that they are easy to purchase, with many countries offering dedicated travel SIM cards, and they avoid the hassle of carrying additional devices. However, the disadvantages are that they require replacing the existing SIM card, which may result in the local number becoming unusable, and the purchase and activation process can be more complex, with potentially limited coverage.
2. International Roaming
The advantage of international roaming is that you can use your existing phone number without needing to change the SIM card or set up additional devices, making it convenient and straightforward. However, the disadvantage is that the rates can be very expensive, especially in certain countries or regions, and there may be hidden fees such as data roaming caps.
3. eSIM
eSIM cards are generally suitable for individual or 1-2 person use, with simple operation. They allow you to switch network operators without inserting a physical SIM card, and support multiple numbers and network services on the same device. The downside is that older model phones may not support eSIM functionality, and once enabled, it cannot be easily deleted or reinstalled.
4. WiFi Eggs
The advantage of WiFi hotspot devices is that they can be shared among multiple devices, making them very suitable for family or group travel. The rates are also typically more fixed, making budgeting easier. However, the downside is that they require carrying the device and keeping it charged, and there may be areas with unstable signals or no coverage.

WiFi Egg Buying Guide

1. Number of Connected Devices
If traveling with a group, you'll need a WiFi hotspot that supports connecting multiple devices simultaneously.
2. Network Speed and Frequency Band Support
Different WiFi hotspot models support varying network speeds and frequency bands. If high-speed internet is required during the trip, consider a model that supports 5G networks.
3. Applicable Regions
The telecommunication network frequencies used in different countries may vary, so ensure the WiFi hotspot you choose is compatible with the destination's network bands.
4. Battery Life
For extended travel, battery life is crucial. Selecting a WiFi hotspot with longer battery life can help avoid frequent charging.
5. Renting vs. Purchasing
For frequent travelers, purchasing a WiFi hotspot may be more cost-effective, while for occasional trips, renting the service can help save costs.

WiFi hotspot devices are a valuable tool for travel internet access, whether for sharing among multiple devices or for stable pricing. Based on your travel destinations, usage needs, and budget, choose the WiFi hotspot model that best suits your requirements to enhance your travel experience.
