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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2024年喇叭選購指南及款式推薦 (附消委會報告及購買連結)

近年來,隨著消費者對音質和功能需求的不斷提升,喇叭市場呈現蓬勃發展的態勢。新興技術的推動,也使得喇叭的性能和體驗不斷提升。今年三大類型的喇叭將成為市場的熱門選擇 - 藍牙喇叭、智能聲控喇叭和電競喇叭。本文將為您詳細介紹這些喇叭的特點,並提供選購指南,幫助您找到最適合自己需求的喇叭。

2. Marshall 馬歇爾 ACTON III 

  • 家庭系列中最細的藍芽揚聲器,聲場比其前身更寬,經過全新的聲場調整設計,可以降低周圍反射面對音效的影響。
  • 升級到藍牙 5.2 技術,可以提升音訊質量,增加串流媒體範圍並改善音訊同步,在觀看影片時顯著提升連接性能。
  • 內置動態響度功能,及採用雙向驅動單元系統,可以讓聲音更加均衡。
  • App 中設有「位置補償模式」功能,可以根據喇叭的擺放位置自動糾正和適應聲音的分佈,獲得更好的聲音效果。

3. APPLE HomePod mini

  • 採用 Apple 設計的全音域驅動單體和強大的釹磁石,可呈現深沉渾厚的重低音和清澈純淨的高音。獨特的音頻導波管可創造 360 度環繞聲場。
  • 體積小但功能強大,只有 84.3cm高,搭載 Apple S5 晶片,可即時處理複雜的音訊演算法,在任何音量下都能呈現均衡的音質。
  • 內建 Siri 助理,可以幫你控制智慧家庭配件、設定提醒事項、查詢資訊等。
  • 可與 iPhone、iPad、Mac 等 Apple 裝置無縫連接,提供更流暢的聆聽體驗。

4. Harman Kardon 哈曼卡頓 Soundsticks 4 無線音箱

  • 兩個衛星喇叭和一個重低音喇叭採用內部波紋表面設計, 獨特的透明球頂設計和圓滑輪廓,營造出優雅的視覺效果。
  • 頻率響應範圍為 40Hz-20kHz,能夠呈現出豐富的音場,提供動感的高音和震撼的低音,被音響發燒友譽為一件真正的藝術品。
  • 支持藍牙 4.2 連接,可與多個行動裝置配對使用。

5. Razer 雷蛇 Leviathan V2 - 電腦遊戲 Soundbar with Subwoofer

  • 音效系統搭載 2 個全音域驅動單體、1 個向下發聲式重低音揚聲器。
  • 搭載THX Spatial Audio 和Razer Chroma™ RGB。
  • 低延遲的藍牙5.2 技術更可讓你流暢切換電腦和行動裝置
  • 支援 RAZER 行動應用程式與 RAZER SYNAPSE







1. 使用場景
2. 電池續航時間
3. 音質需求 
4. 額外功能


智能聲控喇叭的主要特點包括語音控制、智能家居集成和多功能集成。首先,它支援語音助理如Amazon Alexa和Google Assistant,用戶可以用語音來控制家居設備、播放音樂、設定鬧鐘等。其次,它能夠與其他智能家居設備無縫連接,實現家庭自動化,提升生活品質。此外,除了音樂播放,智能聲控喇叭還可以作為日曆、提醒和天氣預報工具使用,功能十分全面。值得一提的是,部分型號的音質表現也不錯,為用戶帶來良好的聆聽體驗。


1. 兼容性
2. 語言支持
3. 音質考量 
4. 智能功能需求







1. 遊戲類型考量
2. 音質和音效的平衡
3. 連接方式 


牌子 型號 總評分 購買連結
MarshallStanmore lll4.5 立即選購
KEFLSX ll4.5 暫無出售
DenonHome 2504 暫無出售,同品牌有 DHT-S218 Soundbar
SonosEra 3004 立即選購
JBL Boombox 3 Wi-Fi4.5 立即選購
B&OBeosound A5 (Nordic Weave)4 暫無出售,同品牌有 Beosound Balance
SonySRS XG3004 暫無出售,同系列有 SRS-XG500



2024 Speaker Buying Guide and Recommendations
(with Consumer Council Ratings and Purchase Links)  

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of consumers' demand for sound quality and functionality, the speaker market has shown a thriving development trend. The drive of emerging technologies has also led to the continuous improvement of speaker performance and experience. Three major types of speakers will become the hot choices in the market this year - Bluetooth speakers, smart voice-controlled speakers, and gaming speakers. This article will provide you with a detailed introduction to the features of these speakers, and offer a purchasing guide to help you find the speaker that best suits your needs.

2. Marshall ACTON III Wireless Speaker

  • The smallest Bluetooth speaker in the home series, with a wider sound field than its predecessor, designed with new sound field adjustment to reduce the impact of surrounding reflective surfaces on the audio.
  • Upgraded to Bluetooth 5.2 technology, which can improve audio quality, increase streaming range, and enhance audio synchronization, significantly improving connectivity performance when watching videos.
  • Built-in dynamic loudness function and a dual-driver system to deliver more balanced sound.
  • The "Position Compensation Mode" feature in the app can automatically correct and adapt the sound distribution based on the speaker's placement to achieve better sound quality.

3. APPLE HomePod mini Wireless Speaker  

  • Featuring Apple-designed full-range driver and powerful neodymium magnet, delivering deep, rich bass and clear, pure high frequencies. The unique audio waveguide creates a 360-degree sound field.
  • Compact yet powerful, only 84.3cm tall, equipped with the Apple S5 chip to process complex audio algorithms in real-time, delivering balanced sound quality at any volume.
  • Built-in Siri assistant to help control smart home accessories, set reminders, and query information.
  • Seamlessly connects with Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, and Mac for a more seamless listening experience.

4. Harman Kardon Soundsticks 4 Wireless Speaker

  • The two satellite speakers and one subwoofer feature an internal rippled surface design, with a unique transparent dome design and smooth contours, creating an elegant visual effect.
  • The frequency response range of 40Hz-20kHz can present a rich sound field, providing dynamic highs and powerful bass, acclaimed by audiophiles as a true work of art.
  • Supports Bluetooth 4.2 connectivity, allowing pairing with multiple mobile devices.

5. Razer Leviathan V2 - PC Gaming Soundbar with Subwoofer

  • The audio system features 2 full-range drivers and 1 downward-firing subwoofer.
  • Equipped with THX Spatial Audio and Razer Chroma™ RGB.
  • The low-latency Bluetooth 5.2 technology also allows you to switch smoothly between your computer and mobile devices.
  • Supports the RAZER mobile app and RAZER SYNAPSE.

Bluetooth Speakers

Bluetooth speakers have become increasingly popular with consumers in recent years, and wireless connectivity is one of the biggest advantages of Bluetooth speakers. Through Bluetooth technology, users can easily connect their smartphones, tablets, and other devices to the speakers wirelessly, without the constraints of cables. This greatly improves the convenience of use.

Another feature is portability. Modern Bluetooth speakers are designed to be very lightweight and compact, making them very suitable for carrying around. Whether at home, during outdoor activities, or while traveling, Bluetooth speakers can be easily carried with you.

Furthermore, some Bluetooth speakers also have waterproof functions, allowing them to withstand a certain degree of water splashing. This makes them very suitable for use in outdoor environments such as camping and the beach.

In terms of sound quality, with the advancement of technology, modern Bluetooth speakers are now able to provide excellent bass and treble effects, and the sound quality is becoming increasingly impressive.

Bluetooth Speaker Buying Guide

1. Usage Scenario
First, you need to choose based on the usage scenario. If the main use is indoors, the waterproof function may not be necessary; but if it needs to be used outdoors, the waterproof function becomes very important.
2. Battery Life
Battery life is also an important factor, especially for outdoor activities that require long-term use. Choosing a model with strong battery life is crucial.
3. Sound Quality Requirements 
Additionally, you need to choose based on your personal sound quality requirements. If you prefer bass effects, you can choose a model with better bass performance; if you pursue balanced sound quality across the entire frequency range, you need to balance between sound quality and volume.
4. Additional Functions
Finally, some additional functions such as voice assistants and hands-free calling can also be considered as factors when making a purchase.

Smart Speakers

The main features of smart voice-controlled speakers include voice control, smart home integration, and multi-functional integration. First, they support voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, allowing users to control home devices, play music, set alarms, and more using voice commands. Secondly, they can seamlessly connect with other smart home devices, enabling home automation and improving quality of life. In addition to music playback, smart voice-controlled speakers can also serve as calendar, reminder, and weather forecast tools, providing a comprehensive set of features. It's worth noting that some models also offer good sound quality, delivering a pleasant listening experience for users.

Smart Speakers Buying Guide

1. Compatibility
First, ensure that the speaker is compatible with your existing smart home devices and mobile operating system. If you already own some smart home products, it's best to choose a speaker model that can integrate seamlessly with those devices. This will allow you to easily control your entire smart home system through voice commands.
2. Language Support
If voice control is the primary function you'll be using the smart speaker for, it's crucial to ensure that the speaker supports the languages you require. Different brands may offer varying language support, so please check the product specifications carefully.
3. Sound Quality Considerations 
Sound quality is another important factor that cannot be overlooked when purchasing a smart speaker. You need to consider whether the speaker can provide a stereo sound effect, and whether the low and high-frequency responses meet your expectations. If you plan to use the smart speaker as your primary music playback device, sound quality performance becomes even more important.
4. Smart Functionality Requirements
In addition to basic music playback, you should also consider whether you need the speaker to have other smart features, such as calendar management, to-do list reminders, and home automation control. Different brands and models may offer varying smart functionalities, so please select based on your specific needs.

Gaming Speakers

Gaming speakers have several professional gaming audio features. First, they are designed specifically for gaming, providing clear surround sound effects and powerful low-frequency response. This ensures that every detail in the game can be accurately captured, providing players with an immersive gaming experience.

Secondly, gaming speakers are designed with high sensitivity, ensuring that game audio and visuals are synchronized, reducing the impact of latency. This is particularly important for fast-paced FPS games, allowing players to make timely and accurate judgments and actions.

Furthermore, gaming speakers can create an immersive surround sound experience. Whether it's an immersive RPG game or an FPS game that requires precise positioning, gaming speakers can provide players with a truly immersive gaming experience.

Finally, gaming speakers offer multiple connection options, including wired and wireless. This allows them to meet the needs of different gaming devices, enabling players to flexibly choose the most suitable connection method.

Gaming Speakers Buying Guide

1. Consider the Game Type
Different types of games have different audio requirements. FPS games require precise sound positioning, while RPGs focus more on creating an immersive surround sound experience. Therefore, when making a purchase, you should choose a speaker that suits your gaming preferences.
2. Balance Sound Quality and Effects
Speakers with strong low-frequency performance are suitable for players who enjoy dynamic music and games, while speakers with clear high-frequency performance are suitable for scenarios that require precise audio effects. When making a purchase, you should balance these two factors based on your personal listening preferences.
3. Connection Method 
Choose a wired or wireless speaker based on the requirements of your gaming device. Wired connections generally provide more stable audio output, while wireless connections offer more flexible usage experiences. When making a purchase, you should weigh your own usage needs.

Consumer Council Test Result  

In 2023, the Consumer Council tested 16 Bluetooth speakers on the market, including non-battery-powered Bluetooth speakers (for home use) and battery-powered Bluetooth speakers (for outdoor use). The test content included sound quality, listening experience, power-saving performance, and ease of use. Based on their report, we have summarized the highly rated models for you to consider as below.
brand model overall rating purchase link
Bluetooth speaker without built-in battery  
MarshallStanmore lll4.5 BUY NOW
KEFLSX ll4.5 Not available
DenonHome 2504 Not available, but DHT-S218 Soundbar under same brand
SonosEra 3004 BUY NOW
Bluetooth speaker with built-in battery  
JBL Boombox 3 Wi-Fi4.5 BUY NOW
B&OBeosound A5 (Nordic Weave)4 Not available, but Beosound Balance under same brand
SonySRS XG3004 Not available, but SRS-XG500 under same series

Different types of speakers have their own characteristics and suitable scenarios. Consumers need to consider their own needs and usage habits comprehensively when making a purchase. With the continuous advancement of technology, the performance and experience of speakers are expected to keep improving, bringing more convenience to our life and entertainment.
