如安裝師傅到場開箱檢查貨品後證實產品品質不符合生產標準,代理商會因應情況為您安排更換貨品,您亦可以於收貨後10日內透過WhatsApp 向我們聯絡,客戶服務專員將會盡快為你跟進。
You may choose "Standard Removal Service Required|Operated by ALBA-IWS (Click here to read the Terms and Conditions) " under additional services in product page. The soonest removal date will be 4 working days after the purchase date.
The installation technician will contact you on the installation date by phone before arrival.
In case any additional installation fee is required subject to actual situation, the installation technician will quote you the amount and please settle by cash on site.
Please do not open the product packing and wait for the installation technician to unbox. If it is found that the product packing was unboxed with manmade damage before the installation technician visit, customer may need to pay for the related repairment fee.
If the product with any quality discrepancies and confirmed by the installation technician, supplier will arrange product exchange or customer can contact us to submit return of refund request. Please contact us via WhatsApp within 10 days after receiving it.
Once the installation technician confirmed the product’s quality is up to the manufacturer’s standards and installation is completed, supplier will start providing standard warranty service for its product. For supplier information, please refer to Product Service Centre.
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 |
24吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$400 (已包括人工費) |
32吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$400 (已包括人工費) |
43吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$500 (已包括人工費) |
50吋 | 人工費$250直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$550 (已包括人工費) |
其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 24 - 39吋 | 人工費$100直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$350 (已包括人工費) | 40吋 | 人工費$100直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$450 (已包括人工費) |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 14 - 31吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 32 - 40吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 41 - 43吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 49 - 50吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$580 (已包括人工費) | 55 - 58吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$580 (已包括人工費) | 65吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$880 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 24 - 27吋 | 人工費$180直接繳付予承辦商 | 1) 掛牆架另行與安裝部選購 2) 人工費及掛牆架收費共$580直接繳付予承辦商技工 3) 機頂處需低於1.9m | 32吋 | 人工費$230直接繳付予承辦商 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 人工費$380直接繳付予承辦商技工 3) 機頂處需低於1.9m | 42 - 55吋 | 免費(不包括43UT7800, 43UT7800 座枱安裝收費 $240,直接繳付予承辦商技工) | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 人工費$460直接繳付予承辦商技工 3) 機頂處需低於1.9m | 60 - 65吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 人工費$630直接繳付予承辦商技工 3) 機頂處需低於1.9m | 70 - 77吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 人工費$1,400直接繳付予承辦商技工 3) 70" 或以上機頂處需低於2.2m | 86吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 人工費$1,500直接繳付予承辦商技工 3) 70" 或以上機頂處需低於2.2m | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 愉景灣及指定離島附加費 | 每次上門額外安裝額外收取 $200 附加費 (70"至89" $400, 90" 或以上$600)(下車或乘船後步行超過15分鐘之地方, 需額外收費) | 每次上門額外安裝額外收取 $200 附加費 (70"至89" $400, 90" 或以上$600) (下車或乘船後步行超過15分鐘之地方, 需額外收費) |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 32吋 | 人工費$100直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$350 (已包括人工費) | 40吋 | 人工費$100直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$450 (已包括人工費) | 41 - 49吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$450 (已包括人工費) | 50 - 59吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$550 (已包括人工費) | 60 - 69吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$750 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 24吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 不適用 | 32 - 40吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 免人工費 | 43 - 75吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 免人工費 | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 41 - 50吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$700 (已包括人工費) | 51 - 55吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$900 (已包括人工費) | 56 - 65吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$1000 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 19吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$300 (已包括人工費) | 22吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$300 (已包括人工費) | 24吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$400 (已包括人工費) | 32吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$400 (已包括人工費) | 43吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$500 (已包括人工費) | 50吋 | 人工費$250直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$550 (已包括人工費) | 55吋 | 人工費$250直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$650 (已包括人工費) | 65吋 | 人工費$250直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$650 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 18 - 40吋 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 不適用 | 43 - 88吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) 免人工費 | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 32 - 39吋 | 人工費$180直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$500 (已包括人工費) | 40 - 49吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$650 (已包括人工費) | 50 - 59吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$670 (已包括人工費) | 60 - 69吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$730 (已包括人工費) | 70 - 79吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$880 (已包括人工費) | 80 - 89吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$1,250 (已包括人工費) | 90吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$1,500 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 24 - 39吋 | 人工費$100直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$350 (已包括人工費) | 40吋 | 人工費$100直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$450 (已包括人工費) | 41 - 49吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$450 (已包括人工費) | 50 - 59吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$550 (已包括人工費) | 60 - 69吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$750 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 32吋 | 人工費$220直接繳付予承辦商 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $350人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
42吋 至 44吋 | 人工費$220直接繳付予承辦商 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $450人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
45吋 至 54吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $450人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
55吋 至 59吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $580人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
60吋 至 69吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $580人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
70吋 至 79吋 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $900人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
80吋或以上 | 免費 | 1) 原裝掛牆架 2) $1300人工費直接繳付予承辦商 |
其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 18 - 32吋 | 人工費$150直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$280 (已包括人工費) | 33 - 47吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 40 S5400 | 人工費$170直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 48 - 50吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$480 (已包括人工費) | 51 -55吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$580 (已包括人工費) | 56 - 64吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$880 (已包括人工費) | 65 - 69吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$880 (已包括人工費) | 70 - 99吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$1,280 (已包括人工費) | 85 C655吋 | 人工費$800直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$1,300 (已包括人工費) | 98 C655吋 | 人工費$1,000直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$1,600 (已包括人工費) | 115吋 | 免費 | 免費 | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 41 - 49吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 50 - 59吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$680 (已包括人工費) | 60 - 69吋 | 免費 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$880 (已包括人工費) | 其他 | 人工費$200直接繳付予承辦商 | 掛牆架直接向承辦商技工購買$380 (已包括人工費) | 100吋 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 100吋 | 人工費$1000直接繳付予承辦商 | 人工費$1600及掛牆架$150,直接繳付予承辦商。 | 85吋 | 人工費$800直接繳付予承辦商 | 人工費$1300及掛牆架$150,直接繳付予承辦商。 | 75吋 | 人工費$600直接繳付予承辦商 | 人工費$850及掛牆架$100,直接繳付予承辦商。 | 65吋 | 人工費$500直接繳付予承辦商 | 人工費$750及掛牆架$100,直接繳付予承辦商。 | 55吋 | 人工費$500直接繳付予承辦商 | 人工費$750及掛牆架$50,直接繳付予承辦商。 | 43吋 | 人工費$350直接繳付予承辦商 | 人工費$500及掛牆架$50,直接繳付予承辦商。 |
種類/吋數 | 座枱安裝收費資訊 | 掛牆安裝收費資訊 | 其他 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 | 請聯絡ElecBoy電器幫顧客服務部查詢詳情。 |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
24" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $400 (Labour fee included) |
32" | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $400 (Labour fee included) |
43" | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $500 (Labour fee included) |
50" | Labour fee $250 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $400 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
24" - 39" | Labour fee $100 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $350 (Labour fee included) |
40" | Labour fee $100 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $450 (Labour fee included) |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
14" - 31'' | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
32" - 40" | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
41" - 43" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
49" - 50" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $580 (Labour fee included) |
55" - 58" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $580 (Labour fee included) |
65" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $880 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
24" to 27" | Labour fee $180 direct pay to contractor | 1) Purchase wallmount from installation contractor 2) labour fee $580 direct pay to contractor technician 3)The top of the machine must be lower than 1.9m |
32" | Labour fee $230 direct pay to contractor | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee $380 direct pay to contractor technician 3)The top of the machine must be lower than 1.9m |
42" - 55" | Free of charge (Except 43UT7800, 43UT7800 Table stand installation fee $240, direct pay to contractor technician) | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee $460 direct pay to contractor technician 3)The top of the machine must be lower than 1.9m |
60" - 65" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee $630 direct pay to contractor technician 3)The top of the machine must be lower than 1.9m |
70" - 77" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee $1,400 direct pay to contractor technician 3)The top of the machine must be lower than 2.2m |
86" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee $1,500 direct pay to contractor technician 3)The top of the machine must be lower than 2.2m |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Discovery Bay and Outlying Islands | Additional $200 per installation visit ($400 for 70" ~89", $600 for 90" or above)(Additional charges are required for walk more than 15 minutes after getting off the bus or boarding the boat) | Additional $200 per installation visit ($400 for 70" ~89", $600 for 90" or above)(Additional charges are required for walk more than 15 minutes after getting off the bus or boarding the boat) |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
32" | Labour fee $100 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $350 (Labour fee included) |
40" | Labour fee $100 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $450 (Labour fee included) |
41" - 49" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $450 (Labour fee included) |
50" - 59" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $550 (Labour fee included) |
60" - 69" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $750 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
24" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor | N/A |
32" - 40" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee free |
43" - 75" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee free |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
41" - 50" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $700 (Labour fee included) |
51" - 55" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $900 (Labour fee included) |
56" - 65" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $1000 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
19" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $300 (Labour fee included) |
22" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $300 (Labour fee included) |
24" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $400 (Labour fee included) |
32" | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $400 (Labour fee included) |
43" | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $500 (Labour fee included) |
50" | Labour fee $250 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $550 (Labour fee included) |
55" | Labour fee $250 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $650 (Labour fee included) |
65" | Labour fee $250 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $650 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
18" - 40" | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor | N/A |
43" - 88" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) labour fee free |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
32" - 39" | Labour fee $180 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $500 (Labour fee included) |
40" - 49" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from Sharp technician $650 (Labour fee included) |
50" - 59" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from Sharp technician $670 (Labour fee included) |
60" - 69" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from Sharp technician $730 (Labour fee included) |
70" - 79" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from Sharp technician $880 (Labour fee included) |
80" - 89" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from Sharp technician $1,250 (Labour fee included) |
90" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from Sharp technician $1,500 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
24" - 39" | Labour fee $100 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $350 (Labour fee included) |
40" | Labour fee $100 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $450 (Labour fee included) |
41" - 49" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $450 (Labour fee included) |
50" - 59" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $550 (Labour fee included) |
60" - 69" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $750 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
32" | Labour fee $220 direct pay to contractor | 1) Original wallmount 2) $350 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
42" - 44" | Labour fee $220 direct pay to contractor | 1) Original wallmount 2) $450 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
45" - 54" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) $450 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
55" - 59" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) $580 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
60" - 69" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) $580 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
70" - 79" | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) $900 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
80" or above | Free of charge | 1) Original wallmount 2) $1300 labour fee direct pay to contractor |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
18" to 32" | Labour fee $150 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $280 (Labour fee included) |
33" - 47" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
40 S5400 | Labour fee $170 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
48" - 50" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $480 (Labour fee included) |
51" -55" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $580 (Labour fee included) |
56" - 64" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $880 (Labour fee included) |
65" - 69" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $880 (Labour fee included) |
70" to 99" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $1,280 (Labour fee included) |
85 C655 | Labour fee $800 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $1,300 (Labour fee included) |
98 C655 | Labour fee $1,000 direct pay to contractor | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $1,600 (Labour fee included) |
115" | Free of charge | Free of charge |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
41" - 49" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
50" - 59" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $680 (Labour fee included) |
60" - 69" | Free of charge | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $880 (Labour fee included) |
Others | Labour fee $200 direct pay to contractor technician | Wallmount directly purchase from contractor technician $380 (Labour fee included) |
100" | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
100" | Labour fee $1000 direct pay to contractor | Labour fee $1600 & wallmount $150 direct pay to contractor |
85" | Labour fee $800 direct pay to contractor | Labour fee $1300 & wallmount $150 direct pay to contractor |
75" | Labour fee $600 direct pay to contractor | Labour fee $850 & wallmount $100 direct pay to contractor |
65" | Labour fee $500 direct pay to contractor | Labour fee $750 & wallmount $100 direct pay to contractor |
55" | Labour fee $500 direct pay to contractor | Labour fee $750 & wallmount $50 direct pay to contractor |
43" | Labour fee $350 direct pay to contractor | Labour fee $500 & wallmount $50 direct pay to contractor |
Type / Size | Table Stand Installation | Wallmount Installation |
Others | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. | Please contact ElecBoy customer service for further information. |