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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025年血壓計選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

現代生活步伐加快,不健康的飲食習慣和缺乏運動已經成為普遍的問題。這些因素都可能導致高血壓的發生,而高血壓又是導致中風、心臟病和腎臟疾病等嚴重健康問題的主要風險因素。因此, 家庭自我監測血壓對於有高血壓或「三高」風險的人群來說至關重要。以下為各大人氣品牌血壓計推介,包括OMRON歐姆龍ANDUNIDENTERRAILLON 得利安Beurer等,以及消委會血壓計使用貼士,幫助您挑選最合適的血壓計。

1. OMRON歐姆龍 JPN610T 藍牙智能手臂式血壓計 

  • 大尺寸硬式壓脈帶 (22-42公分),可以單手輕鬆穿戴, 非常方便獨立測量血壓。
  • 智慧加壓功能,根據每個使用者的情況自動調節加壓壓力。
  • 可偵測脈搏是否不規則, 可設定定時提醒功能,提醒使用者按時量測血壓和服藥,也可自動發送血壓週報給家人。
  • 血壓偏高提醒,可將測量數據上傳至手機 App,方便查看血壓變化趨勢,並在就診時提供給醫生參考。

2. AND UA-767JP 手臂式血壓計 

  • 具有偵測心房顫動(AFib)的功能,可以顯示記憶庫中測量到的IHB/AFib百分比。
  • 針對家庭使用者,擁有4組記憶庫,每組可儲存60筆測量數據,方便不同家庭成員使用並可以比較服藥前後的數據統計。
  • 日本製造,原裝入口。
  • 經國際認可機構ESH臨床認證。

3. UNIDEN AM2305 4.8吋特大屏幕IFT上臂式血壓計

  • 採用充氣測量技術(IFT),在袖帶充氣階段測量血壓,更快速和舒適。
  • 配備4.8吋特大液晶顯示屏,清晰易讀。
  • 支持4組使用者,每組可儲存120個血壓讀數。
  • 全自動測量上臂血壓和脈搏,具有高血壓值閃動顯示功能,可檢測心律不齊。

4. TERRAILLON 得利安 13828 手腕式血壓及心跳計

  • 採用手腕式測量,比上臂式更加方便使用。
  • 除了血壓數值,還能同時顯示心跳頻率。
  • 可以儲存2個使用者的60組血壓和心率數據。
  • 血壓量度範圍0-300mmHg,心跳量度範圍由每分鐘40-199次。

5. Beurer BC 44 手腕式血壓計

  • 單鍵操作設計,配備大型藍色背光顯示屏,可清晰顯示測量值,特別適合年長者使用。
  • 全自動測量血壓及脈搏,具有心跳不規律警示功能,並提供WHO血壓值範圍分類參考。
  • 可以同時顯示血壓和脈搏數值。


1. 血壓計的種類
2. 臂式、腕式與手指式血壓計
3. 螢幕顯示
4. 臂帶尺寸
5. 噪音控制
6. 記憶功能
7. 警示功能
8. 校正功能


1. 將手平放在桌面。若使用上臂式血壓計,應將臂帶圍繞手臂並綁好,臂帶與手肘位之間留有約 2 厘米距離;若使用手腕式血壓計,應將腕帶圍繞手腕並綁好,佩戴方向應能讓自己看見機身的按鈕及屏幕,腕帶與手掌底部之間留有約 1 至 1.5 厘米距離。

2. 臂帶或腕帶的位置,必須與心臟處於同一水平。若臂帶或腕帶的位置低於心臟水平位,血壓讀數將會顯示比實際的高。

3. 佩戴好臂帶或腕帶後,放鬆用來量度血壓的手,掌心向上,用另一隻手按鈕啟動血壓計。量度血壓期間,切勿移動身體或說話,如有其他人協助佩戴及操作將更理想。



2025 Blood Pressure Monitor Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)

The fast pace of modern life, unhealthy dietary habits, and lack of exercise have become widespread problems. These factors can all contribute to the development of high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for serious health problems such as stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease. Therefore, home blood pressure monitoring is crucial for individuals with high blood pressure or at risk of "three highs" (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar). The following are recommendations for popular blood pressure monitor brands, including OMRONANDUNIDENTERRAILLON and Beurer, and usage tips of blood pressure monitor from Consumer Council to help you select the most suitable device.

1. OMRON JPN610T Arm Types Blood Pressure Monitors 

  • Large hard cuff (22-42 cm) that can be easily put on with one hand, very convenient for independent blood pressure measurement.
  • Smart inflation function that automatically adjusts the inflation pressure based on each user's condition.
  • Can detect irregular pulse, can set timed reminders to remind users to measure blood pressure and take medication, and can also automatically send weekly blood pressure reports to family members.
  • High blood pressure alert, can upload measurement data to mobile App to easily view blood pressure trend, and provide it to the doctor during consultation.

2. AND UA-767JP Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor 

  • Has atrial fibrillation (AFib) detection function, can display the percentage of IHB/AFib detected in the memory.
  • Designed for home use, has 4 memory banks, each can store 60 measurement data, convenient for different family members to use and compare data before and after medication.
  • Made in Japan, original import.
  • Internationally recognized ESH clinical validation.

3. UNIDEN AM2305 4.8" XL Display Inflation Technology Blood Pressure Monitor

  • Uses inflation measurement technology (IFT), measures blood pressure during the cuff inflation stage, faster and more comfortable.
  • Equipped with a 4.8-inch extra-large LCD display, clear and easy to read.
  • Supports 4 users, each can store 120 blood pressure readings.
  • Fully automatic upper arm blood pressure and pulse measurement, with high blood pressure value flashing display function, can detect arrhythmia.

4. TERRAILLON 13828 Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

  • Uses wrist-style measurement, more convenient to use than upper arm.
  • In addition to blood pressure values, it can also display heart rate.
  • Can store 60 sets of blood pressure and heart rate data for 2 users.
  • Blood pressure measurement range 0-300mmHg, heart rate measurement range 40-199 bpm.

5. Beurer BC 44 Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

  • Single-button operation design, equipped with a large blue backlit display, can clearly display the measurement values, especially suitable for the elderly.
  • Fully automatic blood pressure and pulse measurement, with irregular heartbeat alert function, and provides WHO blood pressure range classification reference.
  • Can display both blood pressure and pulse values.

Blood Pressure Monitor Buying Guide

1. Types of Blood Pressure Monitors
Blood pressure monitors are mainly divided into three types: mercury column, aneroid, and electronic. Traditional medical institutions primarily use mercury column blood pressure monitors, which are highly accurate but more complex to operate and require professional knowledge. Aneroid blood pressure monitors use an aneroid gauge to read the data, also requiring professional operation, and are less commonly used in home settings. In comparison, electronic blood pressure monitors are easy to operate, display the measurement results digitally, and are more convenient to read and understand, making them more suitable for home use.
2. Arm, Wrist, and Finger Blood Pressure Monitors
When choosing a blood pressure monitor, you also need to consider the three different measurement methods: arm, wrist, and finger. Arm-type blood pressure monitors provide the most accurate results and are suitable for most people, especially those with circulatory disorders. Wrist-type blood pressure monitors are more portable, but the measurement results may not be as accurate for those with arterial diseases such as arteriosclerosis. Finger-type blood pressure monitors are the least common and have the lowest measurement accuracy, suitable only for special circumstances.
3. Display Screen
Choose a blood pressure monitor with a clear, large-font display, especially suitable for the elderly or those with poor vision. Some models also have backlit displays, making them convenient to use in low-light environments.
4. Cuff Size
Select a cuff size that fits your arm circumference to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. Some blood pressure monitors offer adjustable cuffs to accommodate different body types.
5. Noise Control
High-quality blood pressure monitors have low noise levels during measurement, which will not disturb the user. Some models also have a silent mode, suitable for use in quiet environments.
6. Memory Function
Single-user memory is suitable for individual use, while multi-user memory is suitable for family members to share. Some blood pressure monitors can record multiple measurement results and generate trend analysis reports.
7. Alert Function
Reminding users of improper operation during the process to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results. When detecting abnormal blood pressure values, it automatically issues a warning to alert the user to their health condition.
8. Calibration Function
Regular calibration of the blood pressure monitor is important to ensure the accuracy of the measurement data. Some self-calibrating blood pressure monitors can reduce the user's maintenance costs and hassle.

Consumer Council's Tips for Using Blood Pressure Monitors  

1. Place your arm on a table. If using an upper arm-type blood pressure monitor, wrap the cuff around your arm and secure it, leaving about 2 cm of space between the cuff and the elbow. If using a wrist-type blood pressure monitor, wrap the cuff around your wrist and secure it, with the display facing you and about 1 to 1.5 cm of space between the cuff and the base of your palm.

2. The cuff or wrist strap must be at the same level as your heart. If the cuff or wrist strap is lower than your heart level, the blood pressure reading will be higher than the actual value.

3. After securing the cuff or wrist strap, relax the hand used for the measurement, with the palm facing up, and use your other hand to activate the blood pressure monitor. During the measurement, do not move your body or speak. Having someone else assist with the fitting and operation would be ideal.

Choose a suitable blood pressure monitor based on your personal needs and health conditions, regularly monitor your blood pressure, and promptly identify and address any abnormalities to help prevent the serious diseases caused by high blood pressure. Let's develop good health management habits and enjoy a healthy life together.
