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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2025年彩光脫毛機選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

彩光脫毛技術在美容界的應用日益廣泛。從最初只在美容院使用的專業設備,到如今家用彩光脫毛機的興起,彩光脫毛已成為現代美容護理的重要工具。與傳統脫毛方式相比,家用彩光脫毛機能提供與美容院相近的脫毛效果,且使用更加方便快捷,不僅節省了時間和金錢,也讓每個人都能輕鬆擁有光滑細緻的肌膚。以下為各大人氣品牌彩光脫毛機推介,包括BRAUN 百靈PHILIPS 飛利浦JUJYFOREOSmoothskin等,幫助您挑選最合適的彩光脫毛機。

2. PHILIPS 飛利浦 IPL彩光脫毛機 BRI958 

  • 採用SenseIQ 智能感應調控科技,自動識別膚色並建議最佳的彩光強度。
  • 可連接 Lumea IPL彩光脫毛器應用程式,提供個人化的療程指導。
  • 4款智能弧形專用配件,適用於身體、面部、腋下和比堅尼部位。
  • 兩種應用模式:一停一閃模式、滑動及閃光模式,5段光強度選擇, 可發出多45萬次閃光。
  • 內置安全感應及閃光就緒顯示燈,出光口需完全接觸皮膚方可發出閃光,有效防止意外漏光。

3. JUJY 8℃藍寶石冰點全身無痛嫩膚家用脫毛儀 PRO

  • 全新一代院線同源藍寶石冰點,最低8℃中和脫毛灼熱感,全程冰護,舒適無痛。
  • 雙重美膚光源,自帶美膚波段+內嵌10顆紅光燈珠,是脫毛儀也是嫩膚儀,縱享全身絲滑新肌。
  • 升級20J大能量,強效分解毛囊黑色素,4.9S/閃智能快速連續打光,無需持續按鍵,全身脫毛輕鬆不費力。

4. FOREO Peach 2 IPL 彩光脫毛機

  • 獨家4.5 cm² 出光口面積,讓你大範圍快速脫掉毛髮,每0.5秒閃光一次,只需10分鐘便可完成全身彩光脫毛 。
  • 內置5段光強度,能量密度7.3 J/cm²。
  • 具備內置的皮膚冷卻系統,可以冷卻脫毛的區域,將對皮膚的刺激性減至最低。
  • 加入了通過產生細微的聲波輕柔地按摩皮膚,有助於增強彩光和延緩肌膚衰老跡象,讓光脈衝更有效地到達毛囊,加促刺激血液流動,進一步改善淋巴阻塞問題。
  • 只需 12 週即可永久減少毛髮,2週後可見效果。

5. Smoothskin PURE FIT IPL 脫毛機

  • 短短10分鐘即可完成全身護理(腿部,比基尼線,腋下和臉部),不限次數閃光。
  • 內置膚色傳感器,可根據您的獨特膚色進行治療。
  • 3種操作模式,20瓦的脫毛能力。
  • 100%英國制造,英國原裝進口

彩光脫毛技術(Intense Pulsed Light, IPL)利用多波段的光能量作用於毛囊中的黑色素,通過選擇性地吸收光能而破壞毛囊,從而達到長期脫毛的效果。這種技術不僅安全有效,而且適用於不同膚色和毛髮顏色的人群。



2025 IPL Hair Removal Devices Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)

The application of IPL hair removal technology in the beauty industry is becoming increasingly widespread. From initially being used only in professional equipment at beauty salons to the rise of home IPL hair removal devices, IPL hair removal has become an essential tool in modern beauty care. Compared to traditional hair removal methods, home IPL hair removal devices can provide results similar to those of beauty salons, with added convenience and speed. Not only do they save time and money, but they also make it easy for everyone to effortlessly achieve smooth and refined skin. Below are recommendations for popular brands of IPL hair removal devices, including BRAUNPHILIPSJUJYFOREO and Smoothskin, to help you choose the most suitable IPL hair removal device.

2. PHILIPS Lumea IPL 9000 Hair Removal BRI958  

  • Featuring SenseIQ intelligent sensor-controlled technology, it automatically identifies skin tone and suggests the optimal IPL intensity.
  • Connects to the Lumea IPL Hair Removal Device app, offering personalized treatment guidance.。
  • 4 smart curved attachments for body, face, underarms, and bikini areas.
  • Two application modes: one flash mode, slide and flash mode, with 5 light intensity settings, delivering up to 450,000 flashes.
  • Built-in safety sensor and ready-to-flash indicator light; flashes only when fully in contact with the skin to prevent accidental flashes.

3. JUJY 8℃ sapphire freezing point whole body painless skin rejuvenation home hair removal device PRO

  • A new generation of the same-origin sapphire ice point from professional salons, cooling to a minimum of 8℃ to counteract the heat of hair removal, providing full-body ice protection for a comfortable, painless experience.
  • Dual skin beautifying light sources, with self-contained skin beautifying bands + 10 embedded red light beads, serving as both a hair removal and skin tendering device, for silky smooth skin all over the body.
  • Upgraded to 20J high energy, effectively targeting melanin in hair follicles, with rapid intelligent continuous light flashes of 4.9 seconds without the need for continuous pressing, making whole-body hair removal effortless.

4. Foreo Peach 2 IPL Hair Removal Device  

  • Exclusive 4.5 cm² flash area allows for quick removal of hair over a large area, flashing every 0.5 seconds, completing full-body IPL hair removal in just 10 minutes.
  • Built-in 5 light intensity levels, with an energy density of 7.3 J/cm².
  • Features an integrated skin cooling system to minimize skin irritation during hair removal.
  • Includes gentle skin massage through the generation of subtle sonic waves, enhancing IPL effectiveness, delaying skin aging signs, ensuring light pulses reach hair follicles efficiently, stimulating blood flow, and further improving lymphatic blockage issues.
  • Permanent hair reduction in just 12 weeks, visible results in 2 weeks.

5. Smoothskin PURE FIT IPL Hair Removal Device

  • Complete full-body care (legs, bikini line, underarms, and face) in just 10 minutes, with unlimited flashes.
  • Built-in skin tone sensor for tailored treatments based on your unique skin tone.
  • 3 operating modes, with a 20-watt hair removal capability.
  • 100% manufactured in the UK, original UK import.

Principles of IPL Hair Removal Technology
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal technology utilizes multi-spectrum light energy to target the melanin in hair follicles. By selectively absorbing this light energy, the follicles are destroyed, leading to long-term hair removal effects. This technology is not only safe and effective but also suitable for people with different skin tones and hair colors.
Benefits of IPL Hair Removal Devices
IPL hair removal devices provide long-lasting hair removal effects, keeping the skin smooth and refined over time. Additionally, this technology can result in skin whitening and improved texture as added benefits. Compared to professional treatments in beauty salons, at-home IPL hair removal devices are more cost-effective and offer convenient and quick usage.
Suitability of IPL Hair Removal Devices
IPL hair removal devices are suitable for individuals with excessive hair growth who desire long-term or permanent hair removal results. They are also suitable for users with relatively even skin tones to avoid issues like pigmentation.
Precautions for Using IPL Hair Removal Devices
Before the initial use of an IPL hair removal device, it is recommended to conduct a skin test to ensure there are no allergic reactions or adverse effects. After treatment, it is advisable to avoid direct sunlight on the skin and use high SPF sunscreen products. Additionally, proper moisturizing and skincare should be maintained to prevent skin dryness or irritation.
Comparison Between At-Home and Salon IPL Hair Removal Devices
There are certain technical differences between at-home IPL devices and professional equipment used in salons. At-home devices typically have lower power and limited flashes but offer more convenience and speed of use. Compared to professional salon treatments, at-home IPL hair removal devices are more cost-effective, making them an ideal choice for busy individuals.

In conclusion, at-home IPL hair removal devices demonstrate significant advantages in terms of convenience, effectiveness, and cost, making them an ideal choice for modern skincare routines. When selecting the right at-home IPL hair removal device, it is recommended to choose a product that is comprehensive in functionality, easy to operate, tailored to individual needs, and usage habits to ensure optimal hair removal results.
