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2025 新居入伙清潔攻略 (附購買連結)



1. 健康考慮
2. 空間美觀與居住舒適度
3. 長期保養的基礎


1. 粗清:針對大型垃圾與明顯灰塵
o 範圍:裝修材料殘留物(如木屑、瓦礫、包裝材料)、水泥塊、油漆滴落物。
o 工具建議:大型垃圾袋、掃帚、拖把、簸箕。
o 步驟:
1. 按房間分區,先清除地面、窗台和牆面明顯的垃圾。
2. 將建築垃圾分類丟棄,特別是需送往回收站的物品(如金屬、玻璃)。
2. 細清:針對細小污漬與隱藏灰塵
o 範圍:牆面上的殘膠、地板縫隙的灰塵、窗框內的細小污漬等。
o 工具建議:細毛刷、濕布、吸塵器、多用途清潔劑。
o 步驟:
1. 使用吸塵器處理大面積灰塵。
2. 針對細節部位(如拐角處),用濕布或刷子進行擦拭。


1. 牆面清潔
o 檢查:仔細觀察牆面是否有殘膠、油漆斑點或污漬。

o 清潔步驟:
• 油漆牆:用微濕的軟布輕輕擦拭灰塵,對於油漆斑點可用專用去漆劑輕輕去除。
• 壁紙牆:用乾布擦拭表面,避免使用濕布以防壁紙受損。

o 提示:避免使用硬刷,防止刮傷牆面。
2. 地板清潔
o 磁磚地板:
• 使用中性清潔劑拖地,特別是清理施工殘留的水泥塊或膠水時,可用專用去膠劑輔助處理。
• 最後用清水再拖一次,防止清潔劑殘留。

o 木質地板:
• 用微濕拖把擦拭,避免過多水分滲入縫隙。
• 使用專用木地板保養劑打蠟,增強地板的光澤與防護效果。
3. 窗戶與窗框清潔
o 玻璃清潔:
• 使用玻璃清潔劑配合無痕軟布或刮水器,從上至下擦拭,避免留下水痕。

o 窗框與溝槽清潔:
• 用吸塵器吸走溝槽中的灰塵,再用濕布擦拭。
• 若有頑固污漬,可使用小毛刷進行處理。
4. 櫥櫃與家具清潔
o 外部清潔:用濕布搭配中性清潔劑擦拭表面,避免使用過濕的布料,防止損壞木材或漆面。
o 內部清潔:檢查是否有灰塵或施工殘留物,使用吸塵器清理內部細節。
5. 廚房與浴室清潔
o 廚房重點清潔區域:
• 抽油煙機:拆下濾網浸泡後擦拭乾淨。
• 爐具:使用除油清潔劑處理油漬,最後擦乾。

o 浴室重點清潔區域:
• 磁磚接縫處:用細毛刷和去污劑清理黴斑或水垢。
• 排水口:檢查是否堵塞,必要時用疏通工具清理。


1. 基礎工具
• 吸塵器:用於清理地面和家具上的灰塵,特別是難以觸及的角落。
• 拖把:適合清潔地板,建議選擇微濕拖把以避免水分過多損壞木地板。
• 軟布:用於擦拭表面,特別是玻璃和光滑的家具。
• 小刷子:適合清理細小的縫隙和角落的灰塵。
• 玻璃刮刀:用於清潔窗戶,確保無水痕。
• 膠水清除劑:專門用於去除裝修過程中留下的膠水殘留。
2. 專用清潔劑
• 木地板保養劑:用於保護和維護木地板的光澤與質感。
• 去水垢劑:針對浴室和廚房的水垢問題,能有效去除頑固的水垢。
• 油污清潔劑:專門用於清理廚房中的油漬,特別是爐具和抽油煙機。


1. 適用情況
2. 服務範圍與價格透明度


1. 環境檢查
2. 設備檢查
3. 空氣質量檢查

1. DYSON 戴森 V12s Detect Slim Submarine 乾濕全能洗地吸塵機

  • 配備 Submarine™ 洗地滾筒吸頭,能夠清潔各種硬地板,包括瓷磚、石材、木材等,並能有效去除寵物污漬和其他頑固污垢。
  • Fluffy Optic™ 智能光學偵測吸頭能夠偵測隱藏的塵垢,偵測高達2倍隱藏塵垢。
  • 採用 Dyson Hyperdymium™ 摩打,轉速高達125,000rpm,快速吸除毛髮,避免纏結。
  • 全機密封HEPA過濾系統能有效捕捉99.99%小至0.1微米的微粒。
  • 7芯電池可提供長達60分鐘的使用時間。

2. LG 樂金 A9LSLIM CordZero™ A9 Air 無線吸塵機

  • 配備智慧型逆變馬達,能夠產生強大的吸力,並提供長達10年的保固。
  • 雙渦輪旋風,5 重過濾,能過濾99.99%的灰塵和污垢。
  • 機身輕巧,主機只有 1.1 千克,總重 1.9 千克,配備兩顆快拆鋰離子電池,能同時清潔和充電,續航時間可達120分鐘。
  • 附帶的 Power Mop 附件可使用一般自來水清潔瓷磚、硬木或乙烯基地板,無需特殊清潔劑。

3. PANASONIC 樂聲牌 MC-SB53K 輕巧型防纏結無線吸塵機

  • 突破性雙錐形電動旋轉刷頭,將毛髮順暢地吸入集塵盒,不會纏結於吸嘴。
  • 全身人體工學設計手柄,嶄新多向滾輪設計,吸頭可360°自由前後及左右移動,操控刷頭更靈活流暢。
  • 內置微塵感應器,能偵測微細至20 微米的灰塵微粒,包括黴菌、塵蟎及花粉等。
  • 輕巧機身,僅重1.5公斤,日本製造。

4. Mi 小米 BHR8809GB 無線洗地機 W20

  • 吸、拖、洗三合一,乾濕垃圾一拖即淨,即時活水洗地,地面更乾淨。
  • 創新梳齒刮條,減少毛髮纏繞,一鍵清洗滾刷,解放雙手。
  • 配備高品質無刷馬達,最大吸力可達 15,000Pa,滾刷轉速可達 500rpm。
  • 2500mAh大容量電池,充滿電後可持續使用約 30 分鐘。

5. Double Clean YS1010 多用途乾濕水洗全屋離地清潔機 Pro+

  • 創新高溫融汙系統,熱水快速融汙,13Kpa大吸力吸污,效果立竿見影。
  • 四種清潔模式+3種刷頭,應對多種清潔場景:-40°溫水刷吸輕度污漬;-60°熱水刷吸重度污漬;-100°蒸汽刷吸深度清潔;-100°蒸汽殺菌消毒。
  • 智能粵語語音提示,老人輕鬆掌握,更智能人性化。
  • 污水箱採用抑菌材質,有效抑菌防臭。

1. DYSON 戴森 HP09 Purifier Hot+Cool Formaldehyde 三合一甲醛暖風空氣清新機

  • 三合一功能,包括空氣淨化、暖風和涼風。
  • 配備了精準的固態甲醛感應器,能夠檢測室內的甲醛濃度。一旦檢測到甲醛,它會自動啟動催化濾網,持續消滅甲醛。
  • 配備了高效的HEPA H13濾網和活性炭濾網,能夠捕捉灰塵、H1N1病毒及致敏原、有害氣體和99.95%小至PM0.1的微粒。
  • 採用了DYSON獨特的Air Multiplier氣流倍增技術,它通過創造一股強大的氣流,能夠有效淨化全屋空氣。

2. Mi 小米 BHR5058EN 空氣淨化器 4 Pro

  • 搭載三合一濾芯,包括主濾芯、小米高效濾芯和優質活性碳濾芯,能夠去除99.97% 的0.3μm 粒子。
  • 配備PM2.5及PM10感應器,可監測大型粒子。
  • 淨化約40平方米的客廳需時15分鐘。

3. Airgle AG300 空氣清新機

  • 配備了「H14醫療級cHEPA」、「特級活性碳」及「Titanium Pro光觸媒+UVC殺菌」淨化技術,能夠有效消滅99.998%的新冠病毒和過濾效能高達99.999%。
  • 配備了「cHEPA」+「特級活性碳」二合一濾網,能夠有效過濾微細懸浮粒子、細菌、病毒、致敏原、煙霧、甲醛及VOC等多種空氣污染物。
  • 可以連接手機APP,方便遙距操控。

4. LG 樂金 AS65GDST0 PuriCare 360° 空氣清新機 AS65GDST0

  • 獨創 Pet Mode 寵物模式,有效去除寵物異味和毛髮。
  • 360° 全方位空氣淨化,內部搭載的直流風扇技術,能夠快速清潔大範圍的空氣。
  • 配備可水洗的 Safe Plus 前置濾網和 HEPA H13 濾網,能過濾細菌、病毒、灰塵和過敏原,抗菌率高達 99.9%。
  • 除臭濾網能有效去除有害氣體和家居異味,如甲醛、氨和二氧化硫等,保持室內空氣清新。

5. PHILIPS 飛利浦 AMF870/35 Air Performer 3合1風扇暖風空氣清新機

  • 全球首創AI人工智能的3合1清新機,不僅可以感測空氣質素,還通過分析室外數據、房間大小和使用模式。
  • 雙向氣流技術: 可選擇從機身正面輸出涼風或暖風,或從機身背面輸出淨化循環氣流 / 可調節多角度環迴送風。
  • Air Performer 根據您的需要徹底淨化空氣、讓房間保持溫暖及為您帶來清涼。它可去除 99.97% 所有看不見的粒子,並根據您的需要自動調節強勁效能。



2025 New Home Cleaning Guide (with Purchase Links) 

Cleaning after home renovation is an essential step that cannot be overlooked. It effectively removes residual dust, stains, and harmful substances, laying the foundation for a healthy living environment. It also helps extend the lifespan of furniture and materials.

Importance of Post-Renovation Cleaning

1. Health Considerations
Cleaning after renovation effectively removes residual dust, paint volatiles, and formaldehyde, which can impact the health of residents, especially in homes with elderly, children, or pets. Fine particles in dust can trigger allergies, respiratory issues, and even affect skin health.
2. Aesthetic Appeal and Living Comfort
After removing dust and stains, the renovation effect will be more perfect, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the space. Additionally, a clean living environment will be more comfortable, avoiding a decline in quality of life due to residual dirt.
3. Foundation for Long-Term Maintenance
Thorough cleaning helps in the long-term maintenance of furniture and renovation materials. For example, waxing wooden floors after cleaning can extend their lifespan.

Categories of Post-Renovation Cleaning

1. Rough Cleaning: Targeting Large Debris and Obvious Dust
o Scope: Residual construction materials (such as wood chips, rubble, packaging materials), cement chunks, paint drips.
o Recommended Tools: Large garbage bags, broom, mop, dustpan.
o Steps:
1. Divide by room and first remove obvious garbage from the floor, windowsills, and walls.
2. Sort construction waste for disposal, especially items that need to be sent to recycling stations (such as metals and glass).
2. Fine Cleaning: Targeting Small Stains and Hidden Dust
o Scope: Residual glue on walls, dust in floor gaps, small stains in window frames, etc.
o Recommended Tools: Soft brush, damp cloth, vacuum cleaner, multipurpose cleaner.
o Steps:
1. Use a vacuum cleaner to handle large areas of dust.
2. For detailed areas (such as corners), wipe with a damp cloth or brush.

Cleaning Guide for Various Areas

1. Wall Cleaning
o Inspection: Carefully check walls for residual glue, paint spots, or stains.

o Cleaning Steps:
• For painted walls: Gently wipe dust with a damp soft cloth; use a specialized paint remover for paint spots.
• For wallpaper walls: Wipe with a dry cloth to prevent damage to the wallpaper.

o Tip: Avoid using a hard brush to prevent wall damage.
2. Floor Cleaning
o Tile Floors:
• Use a neutral cleaner for mopping, especially for cleaning construction residues like cement blocks or glue; use a specialized glue remover if needed.
• Finish with a water mop to remove cleaner residues.

o Wooden Floors:
• Wipe with a slightly damp mop, avoiding excessive water seepage into gaps.
• Use a specialized wood floor wax to enhance gloss and protection.
3. Window and Frame Cleaning
o Glass Cleaning:
• Use glass cleaner with a lint-free cloth or squeegee, wiping from top to bottom to avoid streaks.

o Frame and Track Cleaning:
• Vacuum dust from tracks, then wipe with a damp cloth.
• Use a small brush for stubborn stains.
4. Cabinet and Furniture Cleaning
o External Cleaning: Wipe surfaces with a damp cloth and neutral cleaner, avoiding overly wet materials to prevent wood or paint damage.
o Internal Cleaning: Check for dust or construction residues, use a vacuum cleaner for detailed interior cleaning.
5. Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaning
o Kitchen Focus Areas:
• Range Hood: Remove filters for cleaning.
• Stove: Use degreasing cleaner for oil stains, then dry.

o Bathroom Focus Areas:
• Tile Grout: Use a fine brush and stain remover for mold or limescale.
• Drain: Check for blockages, clear if necessary with appropriate tools.

Choice of Cleaning Tools and Detergents

1. Basic Tools
• Vacuum cleaner: For dust on floors and furniture, especially in hard-to-reach corners.
• Mop: Suitable for cleaning floors; consider a slightly damp mop to avoid wood floor damage.
• Soft cloth: For wiping surfaces, especially glass and smooth furniture.
• Small brush: Ideal for cleaning dust in small crevices and corners.
• Glass scraper: For cleaning windows without streaks.
• Glue remover: Specifically for removing residual glue during the renovation process.
2. Specialized Cleaning Detergents
• Wood floor maintenance: Protects and maintains the gloss and texture of wood floors.
• Limescale remover: Targets limescale in bathrooms and kitchens, effectively removing stubborn deposits.
• Grease cleaner: Specifically for cleaning oil stains in the kitchen, especially on stoves and range hoods.

Considerations for Professional Cleaning Services

1. Applicability
If the cleaning area is significant, time is limited, or special pollutants (such as formaldehyde) need professional handling, consider seeking professional cleaning services. Professional cleaning companies typically have more efficient equipment and specialized cleaning techniques to ensure optimal cleaning results.
2. Service Range and Price Transparency
When choosing a cleaning company, confirm if they provide services like formaldehyde treatment, deep cleaning, and request a detailed quotation to ensure price transparency and avoid hidden costs.

Final Inspection Before Moving In

1. Environmental Inspection
Ensure floors, walls, and windows are clean and free of stains, ensuring overall cleanliness.
2. Equipment Inspection
Check if lights, utilities, and plumbing are functioning properly, ensuring all equipment is operational.
3. Air Quality Check
Use a formaldehyde detector to confirm indoor air quality is within safe limits, ensuring suitability for habitation.

1. DYSON V12s Detect Slim Submarine wet and dry vacuum cleaner

  • Equipped with the Submarine™ floor scrubbing roller head, capable of cleaning various hard floors including tiles, stone, and wood, effectively removing pet stains and other stubborn dirt. 
  • The Fluffy Optic™ smart optical detection head can detect hidden dust, detecting up to 2 times more hidden dust. 
  • Powered by the Dyson Hyperdymium™ motor, with speeds of up to 125,000rpm, rapidly removing hair to prevent tangling.
  • The fully sealed HEPA filtration system can effectively capture particles as small as 0.1 microns.
  • The 7-cell battery provides up to 60 minutes of runtime.

2. LG A9LSLIM CordZero™ A9 Air

  • Featuring a smart inverter motor that generates powerful suction and comes with a 10-year warranty.
  • With dual cyclone whirlwind technology and 5-stage filtration, it filters out 99.99% of dust and dirt.
  • Lightweight body with the main unit weighing only 1.1 kg and a total weight of 1.9 kg, equipped with two quick-release lithium-ion batteries for simultaneous cleaning and charging, providing up to 120 minutes of runtime.
  • The included Power Mop attachment can clean tiles, hardwood, or vinyl floors with regular tap water, no special detergents needed. 

3. PANASONIC MC-SB53K Slim Tangle-Free Stick Type Vacuum Cleaner

  • Featuring a breakthrough dual-cone electric rotating brush head that smoothly sucks hair into the dust box without tangling at the nozzle.
  • Ergonomic handle design with innovative multi-directional roller design, allowing the nozzle to move freely 360° forward, backward, left, and right for more flexible and smooth control.
  • Built-in dust sensor detects dust particles as small as 20 microns, including mold, dust mites, and pollen.
  • Lightweight body, weighing only 1.5 kg, made in Japan.

4. Mi BHR8809GB Truclean W20 Wet Dry Vacuum

  • 3-in-1 suction, mopping, and washing, quickly removes dry and wet dirt, instant floor washing for cleaner floors.
  • Innovative comb teeth scraper reduces hair entanglement, one-button brush cleaning frees up hands.
  • Equipped with a high-quality brushless motor, maximum suction up to 15,000Pa, brush rotation speed up to 500rpm.
  • 2500mAh large capacity battery, can last for approximately 30 minutes after a full charge.

5. Double Clean YS1010 Multi-purpose dry and wet washing whole house off-the-floor cleaning machine Pro+

  • Innovative high-temperature dirt melting system, quickly melts dirt with hot water, 13Kpa high suction power for effective cleaning.
  • Four cleaning modes + 3 brush heads for various cleaning scenarios: -40° warm water brush for light stains; -60° hot water brush for heavy stains; -100° steam brush for deep cleaning; -100° steam for sterilization.
  • Intelligent Cantonese voice prompts for easy control, making it more intelligent and user-friendly.
  • The wastewater tank uses antibacterial materials for effective odor prevention.

1. DYSON HP09 Purifier Hot+Cool Formaldehyde  

  • This 3-in-1 air purifier combines air purification, heating, and cooling functions.
  • It features a precise solid-state formaldehyde sensor that detects indoor formaldehyde levels. Once formaldehyde is detected, it automatically activates the catalytic filter to continuously eliminate formaldehyde.
  • Equipped with a high-efficiency HEPA H13 filter and activated carbon filter, it effectively captures dust, allergens, harmful gases, and other ultrafine pollutants.
  • Utilizing DYSON's unique Air Multiplier technology, it creates a powerful airflow that efficiently purifies the air throughout the entire house.

2. Mi BHR5058EN Smart Air Purifier 4 Pro  

  • It is equipped with a three-in-one filter, including a main filter, a high-efficiency filter, and a premium activated carbon filter, effectively removing 99.97% of 0.3μm particles.
  • It features PM2.5 and PM10 sensors to monitor large particles.
  • It can purify the air in a living room of approximately 40 square meters in just 15 minutes.

3. Airgle AG300 Air Cleaner

  • Equipped with "H14 Medical-grade cHEPA," "Super Activated Carbon," and "Titanium Pro Photocatalyst + UVC Sterilization" purification technologies, the Airgle AG300 can effectively eliminate 99.998% of the novel coronavirus and achieve a filtration efficiency of up to 99.999%.
  • It features a "cHEPA" + "Super Activated Carbon" dual-filter system that effectively filters fine suspended particles, bacteria, viruses, allergens, smoke, formaldehyde, VOCs, and other air pollutants.
  • It can be connected to a mobile app for convenient remote control.

4. LG AS65GDST0 PuriCare™ 360° Air Purifier AS65GDST0

  • Innovative Pet Mode effectively eliminates pet odors and hair.
  • 360° comprehensive air purification with internal DC fan technology for rapid cleaning of a large area of air.
  • Equipped with washable Safe Plus pre-filter and HEPA H13 filter, capable of filtering bacteria, viruses, dust, and allergens, with an antibacterial rate of up to 99.9%.
  • Deodorizing filter effectively removes harmful gases and household odors such as formaldehyde, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide, maintaining fresh indoor air.

5. PHILIPS AMF870/35 Air Performer 3-in-1 Air Purifier, Fan and Heater

  • The world's first AI-powered 3-in-1 air purifier that senses air quality, analyzes outdoor data, room size, and usage patterns.
  • Bi-directional airflow technology: Choose to output cool or warm air from the front of the unit, or purify circulating air from the back of the unit / Adjustable multi-angle air circulation.
  • The Air Performer thoroughly purifies the air according to your needs, keeping the room warm and bringing coolness. It can remove 99.97% of all invisible particles and automatically adjust strong performance based on your needs.

Cleaning after renovation is a crucial step before moving in, as it effectively removes residual dust, stains, and harmful substances, laying the foundation for a healthy living environment. By categorizing cleaning tasks, using appropriate tools, and conducting thorough cleaning in different areas, you can enhance cleaning efficiency and effectiveness. For larger areas or special contamination needs, professional cleaning services can be considered. Lastly, ensure the environment is tidy, equipment is functioning properly, and air quality meets standards to have a clean and worry-free new home, ready to embrace a wonderful new life!
