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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.




1. 日本滑雪場
• 北海道地區
o 二世谷滑雪場(Niseko):以粉雪質量聞名於世,有適合初學者的緩坡雪道,也有挑戰高手的陡峭雪道;周邊溫泉度假村讓旅程更放鬆。
o 富良野滑雪場:擁有28條雪道,適合中高級滑雪者,並設有親子遊樂區和夜間滑雪服務,提供獨特的滑雪體驗。

• 長野地區
o 白馬滑雪場系列:包括八方尾根、五龍等多個滑雪場,提供多元雪道選擇,並有滑雪學校為初學者提供指導。

• 新潟地區
o 苗場滑雪場:以大型滑雪度假村著稱,有親子友好的雪上活動和充足的住宿選擇。
2. 韓國滑雪場
• 龍平滑雪度假村:提供多條初學者雪道,以及冬奧級別的專業滑雪道,並設有夜間滑雪體驗。
• 阿爾卑西亞度假村:設有兒童滑雪區和滑雪課程,是家庭旅遊的理想選擇,周邊還有溫泉設施供休憩。
3. 台灣滑雪場
• 高雄義大世界滑雪場:雖為室內滑雪場,但全年開放,提供初學者滑雪課程和高科技模擬雪道,是體驗滑雪的絕佳起點。


1. 日本滑雪費用
• 雪票價格:
o 北海道地區:每日約3,500至5,000日圓,部分場次提供多日優惠票。
o 長野、新潟地區:每日約3,000至4,500日圓。

• 裝備租借:包括滑雪板、雪鞋、雪杖,全套租借每日約4,000至6,000日圓。

• 滑雪課程:
o 團體課程每堂約5,000至7,000日圓,適合初學者。
o 私人課程每日約20,000日圓起,專為技術提升者設計。
2. 韓國滑雪費用
• 雪票價格:每日約50,000至80,000韓元,提供家庭票或學生折扣。
• 裝備租借:每日約40,000至60,000韓元,全套包含雪服選項更划算。
• 滑雪課程:團體課程每堂約70,000至100,000韓元,附中文或英文指導。
3. 台灣滑雪費用
• 雪票價格:每日約1,500至2,500新台幣,另有單次體驗票可選。
• 裝備租借:室內滑雪場裝備每日約1,000至1,500新台幣。
• 滑雪課程:適合初學者的基礎滑雪課程每堂約2,000至3,000新台幣。


1. 基本滑雪裝備
• 滑雪板:滑雪板分為單板(snowboard)和雙板(ski)。對於初學者來說,建議選擇雙板,因為它們更易於控制和平衡,適合剛開始學習的滑雪者。
• 滑雪鞋:滑雪鞋需要與滑雪板匹配,選擇具有保暖功能的鞋款尤佳,這樣可以在寒冷的環境中保持舒適。
• 滑雪杖:滑雪杖僅供雙板滑雪者使用,初學者可以選擇輕量款,以減輕滑行時的負擔。
2. 防護裝備
• 頭盔:選擇符合安全標準的頭盔,可以有效避免滑倒時的頭部受傷,保護滑雪者的安全。
• 護目鏡:護目鏡的防雪盲功能非常重要,建議選擇具有UV防護的款式,以保護眼睛免受紫外線和雪地反射的傷害。
• 護膝與護腕:這些護具對於初學者和兒童來說是必備的,可以有效保護關節,減少受傷風險。
3. 服裝配件
• 滑雪服:建議選擇防水、透氣且帶有多層隔熱設計的滑雪服,以保持身體的乾燥和舒適。
• 手套:選擇防水保暖的手套,確保在滑雪過程中操作靈活性。
• 頸圍與帽子:在寒冷天氣中,頸圍和帽子能提供良好的保暖和防風效果,建議攜帶以應對惡劣天氣。


1. 行前準備
• 體能訓練:在滑雪前進行體能訓練,強化腿部肌肉與核心穩定性,這樣可以提升滑雪表現並降低受傷風險。
• 裝備檢查:提前確認所有裝備是否完整無損,如有疑慮可選擇租借可靠的裝備,以確保滑雪過程的安全。
2. 注意事項
• 天氣查詢:在出發前查詢滑雪場的天氣和雪況,根據實際情況調整滑雪日期,以獲得最佳體驗。
• 安全意識:滑雪時要嚴守滑雪場的規則,避免冒險嘗試超過自身能力的雪道,以確保安全。
• 保險購買:選擇涵蓋滑雪活動的旅遊保險,以應對可能的意外情況,保障自身安全。

1. Insta360 Go 3S 運動相機

  • 紀錄滑雪最型時刻。
  • 採用全新升級的晶片,CPU 算力提升 50%,並配備全新的廣角鏡頭模組,支持 4K 超清解析度拍攝。
  • 採用磁吸設計,可輕鬆固定在各種地方,如衣服、帽子、寵物等。
  • 內置 FlowState 防震技術, 配備可翻轉 2.2 吋觸控螢幕的 Action Pod 拓展艙。
  • 單機續航時間可達 38 分鐘,搭配 Action Pod 後續航時間最長可達 140 分鐘。

2. GoPro HERO12 Black 運動攝錄機

  • 紀錄滑雪最型時刻。
  • 可拍攝高達 5.3K 60fps 的超高清影片,以及 2,700 萬像素的高解析度照片。
  • 搭載 GoPro 最新的 HyperSmooth 6.0 影像穩定技術,可以有效減少拍攝過程中的晃動和抖動。
  • 全新的電源管理系統可以大幅提升電池續航力,最高可達 2 倍於前代機型。
  • 採用防水設計,可在 10 米水深下使用,支援無線同步多台 HERO12 相機。

3. Garmin Instinct 2x Solar - 軍事戰術版 智能手錶

  • 內建滑雪/單板滑雪模式,為你追蹤每場滑雪旅程。
  • 配備大型太陽能充電鏡面能為長效電池帶來更高的續航力。
  • 具有堅固耐用的外殼設計,防水防塵,符合軍事標準,適合各種極端環境使用。
  • 並配有戰術專用功能、手電筒、Multi-band GNSS 多頻多衛星定位系統以及健康追蹤功能,提供讓你不斷前行的充沛電力。

4. SKIDY MD08智能秒速掃讀全語言學習翻譯筆

  • 滑雪溝通好幫手。
  • 5吋大屏高清觸摸屏幕,獨有UI界面設計,離線支持12種語言翻譯,在線支持113種語言翻譯,外地旅行閲讀餐牌、產品説明無難度。
  • 內置海量單詞庫、詞典可供查閱使用,方便小朋友學習外語,隨時翻譯古詩文言文。

5. TP-Link M7200 150M 4G LTE 隨身無線路由器

  • 網上隨時分享滑雪最型時刻。
  • 支援 4G LTE 網路,提供最高達 150Mbps 的無線傳輸速度,提供快速、穩定的無線網路連接。
  • 小巧輕便的設計,方便攜帶,適合在旅行、出差或戶外使用。
  • 支援多台設備同時連接,內建電池提供長效續航。

6. Turbo Italy FHV-009 L APP控熱能背心

  • 滑雪前的保暖裝備。
  • 採用全新納米銀熱敷膜發熱技術遠紅外發熱保暖,有效禦寒。
  • 三檔手動快速調溫﹕40℃、55℃及65℃,可利用APP操作,自由調控溫度。
  • 可用洗衣機清洗、摺疊及彎曲。

7. Life on Product LCAWA012 USB供電式雙面發熱圍巾

  • 滑雪前的保暖裝備。
  • 雙面發熱圍巾,採用絎縫材料製成,帶有波浪縫線圍巾。
  • 內部由移動電池供電的加熱器可以溫暖頸部,手機電池可以存放在內袋中,但如果您擔心重量,可以延長電源線並將其存放在外袋中。 ※不含移動電池。

8. Mi 小米 行動電源 20000 50W 移動電源

  • 為各滑雪裝備快速充電。
  • 輕便便攜,擁有 20000mAh 的大容量電池,可為多種設備提供長時間的充電。
  • 支援高達 50W 的快速充電功能,能夠快速為您的設備充電。
  • 配備多個輸出接口,可同時為多個設備充電。



【2025 Skiing Guide】
Popular Ski Resort, Price, and Equipment Recommendations

Skiing is a winter sport that combines speed and beautiful scenery, offering enjoyment for both professional skiers seeking challenges and family travelers who love snowy landscapes. From 2024 to 2025, numerous renowned ski resorts are introducing new facilities and discounts, while skiing equipment is incorporating more technology and design elements to enhance the skiing experience. This article will delve into recommended skiing locations, cost breakdowns, and essential equipment to help you plan the perfect skiing trip with ease.

Recommended Skiing Locations

1. Ski Resorts in Japan
• Hokkaido Region
o Niseko Ski Resort: Renowned for its quality powder snow, featuring gentle slopes for beginners and challenging runs for experts; surrounding hot spring resorts add to the relaxation of the journey.
o Furano Ski Resort: With 28 ski runs suitable for intermediate to advanced skiers, including a kids' play area and night skiing services for a unique skiing experience.

• Nagano Region
o Hakuba Ski Resort Series: Encompassing multiple ski resorts like Happo One and Goryu, offering diverse ski runs and ski schools for beginners.

• Niigata Region
o Naeba Ski Resort: Known for its large-scale ski resort with family-friendly snow activities and ample accommodation choices.
2. Ski Resorts in South Korea
• Yongpyong Ski Resort: Providing various beginner slopes, professional-grade skiing runs, and night skiing experiences.
• Alpensia Resort: Featuring children's skiing areas, ski lessons, and nearby hot spring facilities for family travel.
3. Ski Resort in Taiwan
• E-DA World Indoor Ski Resort, Kaohsiung: Although an indoor facility, open year-round and offering beginner skiing lessons and high-tech simulated ski slopes, serving as an excellent starting point for skiing experiences.

Overview of Skiing Costs

1. Skiing Costs in Japan
• Lift Tickets
o Hokkaido Region: Approximately 3,500 to 5,000 Japanese Yen per day, with multi-day discount options available at some resorts.
o Nagano, Niigata Regions: Around 3,000 to 4,500 Japanese Yen per day.

• Equipment Rental: Includes skis, boots, poles, with a full set rental costing around 4,000 to 6,000 Japanese Yen per day.

• Ski Lessons
o Group lessons: Approximately 5,000 to 7,000 Japanese Yen per session, suitable for beginners.
o Private lessons: Starting from around 20,000 Japanese Yen per day, designed for skill enhancement.
2. Skiing Costs in South Korea
• Lift Tickets: Around 50,000 to 80,000 South Korean Won per day, with family tickets or student discounts available.
• Equipment Rental: Approximately 40,000 to 60,000 South Korean Won per day, with full sets including snowsuits for better value.
• Ski Lessons: Group lessons priced at about 70,000 to 100,000 South Korean Won per session, with instruction available in Chinese or English.
3. Skiing Costs in Taiwan
• Lift Tickets: Around 1,500 to 2,500 New Taiwan Dollars per day, with single experience tickets available.
• Equipment Rental: Equipment at indoor ski resorts costs about 1,000 to 1,500 New Taiwan Dollars per day.
• Ski Lessons: Basic skiing lessons for beginners priced at around 2,000 to 3,000 New Taiwan Dollars per session.

Skiing Gear Guide

1. Basic Skiing Equipment
• Skis: Skis come in two types, snowboards and skis. For beginners, it's recommended to choose skis as they are easier to control and balance, ideal for those new to skiing.
• Ski Boots: Ski boots need to match the skis and opting for insulated boots is advisable to stay comfortable in cold environments.
• Ski Poles: Ski poles are used by skiers with skis. Beginners can choose lightweight poles to reduce the burden while skiing.
2. Protective Gear
• Helmet: Choosing a helmet that meets safety standards can effectively prevent head injuries in case of falls, ensuring the skier's safety.
• Goggles: Goggles with anti-snow blindness features are crucial. It's recommended to select goggles with UV protection to shield eyes from UV rays and snow glare.
• Knee and Wrist Guards: These protectors are essential for beginners and children, effectively safeguarding joints and reducing injury risks.
3. Clothing Accessories
• Ski Jacket: Opt for a waterproof, breathable ski jacket with layered insulation to keep the body dry and comfortable.
• Gloves: Choose waterproof, insulated gloves to ensure flexibility during skiing.
• Neck Gaiter and Hat: Neck gaiters and hats provide good warmth and wind protection in cold weather, advisable to carry for adverse conditions.

Pre-Skiing Preparation and Tips

1. Preparations
• Physical Training: Engage in physical training before skiing to strengthen leg muscles and core stability, enhancing skiing performance and reducing injury risks.
• Equipment Check: Ensure all equipment is intact and undamaged beforehand. Consider renting reliable equipment if unsure to ensure safety during skiing.
2. Tips
• Weather Check: Check the weather and snow conditions at the ski resort before departure. Adjust skiing dates based on actual conditions for the best experience.
• Safety Awareness: Adhere to ski resort rules while skiing, avoid risky attempts on trails beyond your abilities to ensure safety.
• Insurance Purchase: Opt for travel insurance covering skiing activities to prepare for potential accidents and safeguard personal safety.

1. Insta360 Go 3S Action camera

  • Record the best skiing moments.
  • Features a new upgraded chipset with a 50% increase in CPU power, and a new wide-angle lens module that supports 4K ultra-high-definition recording for sharper and more detailed footage.
  • Uses a magnetic design that can be easily attached to various locations like clothing, hats, pets, etc., allowing you to capture amazing moments from different angles.
  • Equipped with FlowState stabilization technology and a 2.2-inch touchscreen Action Pod expansion bay.
  • Standalone battery life up to 38 minutes, and up to 140 minutes when paired with the Action Pod.

2. GoPro HERO12 Black Action Camera

  • Record the best skiing moments.
  • Capture ultra-high-definition videos up to 5.3K at 60fps and high-resolution photos at 27 million pixels.
  • Features GoPro's latest HyperSmooth 6.0 image stabilization technology to effectively reduce shake and jitter during shooting.
  • The new power management system significantly improves battery life, doubling it compared to previous models.
  • Designed to be waterproof, allowing use up to 10 meters underwater, and supports wireless synchronization of multiple HERO12 cameras.
    *Both original and parallel import products are available

3. GARMIN Instinct 2x Solar Tactical Smart Watch  

  • Built-in Ski/Snowboard mode to track every skiing journey.
  • Equipped with a large solar-charging lens for extended battery life.
  • Features a rugged and durable design, waterproof and dustproof, meeting military standards, suitable for various extreme environments.
  • Comes with tactical-specific functions, flashlight, Multi-band GNSS multi-frequency multi-satellite positioning system, and health tracking features, providing abundant power to keep you moving forward.

4. SKIDY MD08 Scanning Speedy Translation Reading Pen

  • Your skiing communication helper.
  • 5-inch large HD touchscreen with unique UI interface design, supports offline translation in 12 languages and online translation in 113 languages, making it easy to read menus and product descriptions while traveling.
  • Comes with a massive built-in vocabulary and dictionary for reference, convenient for children learning foreign languages, and translates classical poetry and literary Chinese at any time.

5. TP-Link M7200 150M 4G LTE Advance Pocket Wifi  

  • Share your skiing highlights online anytime.
  • Supports 4G LTE network, providing up to 150Mbps wireless transmission speed for fast and stable wireless connectivity.
  • Compact and lightweight design for easy portability, suitable for travel, business trips, or outdoor use.
  • Supports multiple device connections simultaneously, with a built-in battery for long-lasting usage.

6. Turbo Italy FHV-009 L Smart Heating Vest  

  • Warm-up gear before skiing.
  • Utilizes new nano-silver heating film infrared heating technology for effective warmth, combating cold.
  • Three manual quick temperature adjustments: 40°C, 55°C, and 65°C, controllable via the app for temperature regulation.
  • Machine washable, foldable, and flexible.

7. Life on Product LCAWA012 Warm Quilting USB Powered Scarf

  • Warm-up gear before skiing.
  • Dual-sided heated scarf made with stitched material, featuring a wavy stitched design.
  • The internal heater powered by a portable power bank can warm the neck, with a pocket for storing a phone battery inside, but if weight is a concern, you can extend the power cord and store it in the outer pocket. *Does not include a power bank.

8. Mi 50W Power Bank 20000 Power Bank  

  • Quick charge for all skiing gear.
  • Lightweight and portable, with a large 20000mAh battery capacity for long-lasting charging of multiple devices.
  • Supports fast charging up to 50W for quick device charging.
  • Equipped with multiple output interfaces for simultaneous charging of multiple devices.

Skiing is not just a winter sport but a way to connect with nature, challenge oneself, and create unforgettable memories. Planning a skiing trip, from choosing the right location to preparing skiing gear, requires effort but promises lasting memories. We hope this guide can help you understand the basics of skiing, ensuring a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable skiing journey for both beginners and seasoned skiers. Let's embrace the snowy season and the endless possibilities of skiing adventures!
