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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

2024年梳打水機選購指南及款式推薦 (附購買連結)

在炎熱的夏季,享受一杯自製涼爽的梳打水,是一大享受。擁有梳打水機相對於外購飲品,不僅經濟實惠,還有環保的優勢。以下為各大人氣品牌梳打水機推介,包括Soda FunPHILIPS 飛利浦AirSodaAarkeDrinkmate等,幫助您挑選最合適的梳打水機。

1. Soda Fun 專業梳打水機套裝   

  • 水瓶的獨特儲壓設計,打氣後不需要馬上洩壓,能保留長達7日氣泡口感,洩氣飲料也可直接再打氣。
  • 首創5公分超大瓶口,水果、冰塊可直接加進瓶內與水一起預先混合打氣。
  • 水瓶置有雙重特殊儲氣閥,食品級物料製, 無味,長效保氣防洩、安心無虞。
  • 榮獲金點設計與DIA等多項設計大獎:、設計、品質、實用價值絕對優異。
  • 超細底坐設計,比紙巾還要小。

2. PHILIPS 飛利浦 ADD4902 家用梳打水機 

  • 簡單3個步驟製作梳打水:注水、扭緊和按下按鈕。
  • 無需接駁電源,採用自動按鍵洩壓設計,更安全放心。
  • 一個氣瓶可製作40至60公升美味梳打水,經濟實惠。
  • 水瓶容量 1L,食用級水瓶設計,不含BPA。

3. AirSoda S-PRO980 梳打水機

  • 可按個人喜好加入生果、糖槳,輕鬆調配不同口味的梳打飲品。
  • 採用食品級PE低溫防爆瓶,自動按鍵洩壓設計,保障開瓶時瓶內壓力平衡。
  • 一支360g二氧化碳氣樽可做40瓶1000ml梳打水。

4. Aarke CARBONATOR 3 梳打水機

  • 不需電力即可操作,方便使用。
  • 第3代升級噴嘴、操控桿、耐壓水瓶,增加耐用度。
  • 附1000ml BPA Free水樽1個 (不包括二氧化碳CO2)。
  • 瑞典設計品牌,提供4種時尚的顏色選擇,不鏽鋼機身。

5. Drinkmate 梳打水機

  • 不僅可以用來製造碳酸水,還可以為各種飲料如果汁、茶、咖啡、酒類等注入氣泡,讓您可以自由創造出各種口味的氣泡飲料。
  • 無需插電,可以隨時隨地使用,非常適合戶外活動或旅行時使用。
  • 採用專利的 Fizz Infuser 技術,能夠為飲料注入均勻細緻的氣泡。
  • 配備一個1000ML 壓力水瓶、一個 500ML 壓力水瓶及一瓶410gm 食用等級二氧化碳氣,大約能製作 60L 梳打水。



1. 安全特性
2. 飲料多樣性
3. 成本效益



2024 Soda Water Maker Buying Guide and Recommendations (with Purchase Links)  

Enjoying a homemade refreshing soda water on a hot summer day is a great pleasure. Owning a soda water maker is not only economical compared to purchased beverages, but also has environmental advantages. The following are recommendations for popular soda water maker brands, including Soda FunPHILIPSAirSodaAarke and Drinkmate, to help you select the most suitable soda water maker. 

1. Soda Fun Bottom-Up Infusion Soda Maker  

  • The unique pressure design of the water bottle allows it to retain carbonation for up to 7 days after carbonation, and the carbonated beverage can be re-carbonated directly.
  • The pioneering 5cm super-large bottle mouth allows fruit and ice cubes to be added directly to the bottle and carbonated together with the water.
  • The water bottle has a dual special gas valve, made of food-grade materials, tasteless, long-lasting gas retention and leak-proof, safe and reliable.
  • Awarded the Golden Pin Design and DIA design awards, the design, quality and practical value are absolutely superior.
  • Super-thin bottom design, smaller than a paper towel.

2. PHILIPS ADD4902 Homemade Sparkling Water 

  • Simple 3-step process to make sparkling water: fill with water, tighten, and press the button.
  • No need to connect to power, with automatic pressure release design, safer and more reliable.
  • One gas cylinder can make 40 to 60 liters of delicious sparkling water, economical and cost-effective.
  • 1L bottle capacity, food-grade bottle design, BPA-free.

3. AirSoda S-PRO980 Soda Water Machine

  • You can add fruit, syrup according to personal preference to easily mix different flavors of sparkling drinks.
  • Adopts food-grade PE low-temperature shatterproof bottle, automatic button pressure release design, ensuring pressure balance when opening the bottle.
  • One 360g CO2 cylinder can make 40 bottles of 1000ml sparkling water.

4. Aarke CARBONATOR 3 Soda Water Machine

  • Can be operated without electricity, convenient to use.
  • 3rd generation upgraded nozzle, control lever, pressure-resistant water bottle, increasing durability.
  • Includes 1 1000ml BPA Free water bottle (CO2 not included).
  • Swedish design brand, providing 4 fashionable color options, stainless steel body.

5. Drinkmate Soda Water Maker

  • Not only can it be used to make carbonated water, but it can also infuse bubbles into various beverages such as fruit juices, teas, coffees, and alcoholic drinks, allowing you to freely create various flavors of carbonated beverages.
  • No need for electricity, can be used anytime, anywhere, very suitable for outdoor activities or travel.
  • Equipped with the patented Fizz Infuser technology, which can infuse the beverage with uniform and fine bubbles.
  • Comes with one 1000ML pressure water bottle, one 500ML pressure water bottle and one 410gm food-grade CO2 cylinder, which can make about 60L of sparkling water.

Principle of Soda Water Maker
The operating principle of soda water maker (also known as a sparkling water maker) is quite simple. It injects carbon dioxide into water to create fine bubbles, adding a refreshing and crisp taste to the water. There are two common carbon dioxide injection systems: the cylinder-based system and the cartridge-based system. The former requires periodic replacement of the gas cylinder, which is more cumbersome to operate, while the latter uses disposable cartridges, making it more convenient to use.
Advantages of Soda Water Maker
Using a soda water maker not only brings economic benefits but also helps the environment. In the long run, the cost of making your own sparkling water is much lower than buying bottled beverages, and it also avoids generating a large amount of plastic bottle and aluminum can waste. Additionally, a soda water maker allows users to adjust the bubble intensity and add flavors according to personal preferences, creating unique beverages.
Potential Drawbacks of Soda Water Maker
The main drawback of a soda water maker is the need to regularly refill the carbon dioxide. This not only increases the operating cost but may also pose some safety risks, such as the risk of explosion due to excessive pressure. Therefore, when purchasing a soda water maker, it is crucial to pay attention to the safety features, such as the automatic pressure release function.

Soda Water Maker Buying Guide

1. Safety Features
The safety of a soda water maker is of paramount importance, especially for household use. It is crucial to choose a model with an automatic pressure release function, which can release excess pressure to avoid potential safety risks. Ensure that the soda water machine meets the relevant safety standards to guarantee its safety.
2. Beverage Versatility
In addition to making sparkling water, some soda water maker also support the preparation of other beverages, such as sodas and flavored sparkling waters. When making a purchase, consider whether you would like to make a variety of different drinks to ensure that your soda water machine meets your needs.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
When considering a soda water maker, cost-effectiveness is an important factor. It is crucial to compare the carbon dioxide capacity and maintenance costs of different brands and models. Some soda water maker may require more frequent replacement of the carbon dioxide cartridges, which can increase the maintenance costs. Choosing a model that fits your budget and has lower long-term costs is a wise decision.

Whether it's for saving money or protecting the environment, owning a soda water maker is a great choice. It not only adds a refreshing touch to your life but also allows you to satisfy your personal taste preferences. We hope this article helps you find the most suitable soda water maker model for your needs.
