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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam elit sapien, luctus ut orci vitae, mattis euismod ipsum. In vitae pulvinar leo, a maximus.

【2025 雙11購物攻略】

雙11購物節起源於淘寶平台的光棍節,最初只是單身族群自嘲的節日,現如今演變為全球規模最大的網購狂歡節。一年一度ElecBoy電器幫雙11購物節即將來臨,想了解更多雙11優惠詳情及必買攻略,記得留意ElecBoy電器幫網頁更新! 本文將為你介紹以下十大年度必買產品,包括多個人氣品牌 APPLESONY 索尼Philips飛利浦Insta360DYSON 戴森DelonghiFUJIFILM 富士PANASONIC 樂聲牌等,讓你可以在最優惠時間入手!

1. SONY 索尼 WF-1000XM5 耳機

  • 耳機內置兩個專利處理器,能比以往消除更多的外來噪音。
  • 配備全新的高性能驅動單元 Dynamic Driver X、雙向回饋麥克風,以及令耳機更穩固貼合的創新隔音耳塞套。
  • 配備基於深度神經網絡 (DNN) 處理的人工智能降噪演算法和骨傳導感應器,即使在嘈雜的環境中,您的聲音亦能清晰而自然地傳達出去。
  • 長達 8 小時的耳機電量,而充電盒可提供額外 16 小時的電量,只需快速充電 3 分鐘,即可播放音樂長達 60 分鐘。

2. APPLE Watch SE GPS 鋁金屬錶殼 (2024)

  • 採用 Retina 顯示器,最高亮度可達 1000 尼特。
  • 配備健康與健身功能,包括心率偏高或偏低通知、心律不整通知、低心適能通知,以及經期追蹤等功能。
  • 游泳適用,有跌倒及車禍偵測。
  • 搭載 S8 SiP 處理器,須和運行 iOS 18 或更新的版本的 iPhone XS 或更新的型號 (包括 iPhone SE 第 2 代或更新的型號) 配合使用。

3. Insta360 X4 全景相機 

  • 支援 8K 超高解析度全景影片拍攝,及支援 5.7K 60fps 拍攝,並可錄製 4K 100fps 慢動作影片。
  • 可在拍攝 360° 全景影片後,透過 Insta360 App 中的 AI 剪輯工具自由選取所需角度,輕鬆構圖創作。
  • 可在拍攝時完全隱藏自拍棒,拍出令人驚奇的低空跟拍和第三人稱視角。
  • 搭載業界領先的 FlowState 防震技術,360° 水平校正。
  • 防水等級高達 IPX8 級,2290mAh 超大電池,在 5.7K 30fps 模式下可連續拍攝 135 分鐘。

4. FUJIFILM 富士 instax mini Evo 即影即有相機

  • 配備高品質的雙鏡頭系統,及3.0英寸TFT彩色LCD,能夠拍攝清晰且細緻的照片。
  • 提供多種拍攝模式,包括自動模式、自拍模式和多重曝光等,滿足不同場景的需求,讓用戶可以自由創作。
  • 內建多種創意濾鏡和邊框選擇,使用者可以在拍攝或打印時添加個性化的效果,增強照片的趣味性。
  • 支持藍牙連接,使用者可以通過專用的手機應用程式輕鬆編輯和打印手機中的照片。

5. DYSON 戴森 HD15 Supersonic™ 風筒 附精美禮盒

  • 全新二合一風嘴,兩種模式,利用康達效應,順髮並隱藏毛躁。
  • 快速乾髮,免受過熱損傷,專為頭髮及頭皮修護設計。
  • 智能熱控,使用Dyson V9數碼摩打。
  • 四種造型配件,包括全新二合一抗毛躁順髮風嘴。

6. PHILIPS 飛利浦 ADD6910/90 RO純淨飲水機

  • Aquaporin Inside 專利RO 淨化技術,高效過濾,效能持久穩定。
  • 配合革命性一體式RO逆向滲透淨水系統,能去除水中小至0.0001微米的超細污染物,有效去除99.9%細菌、病毒、可溶解性鉛、重金屬、殘留氯氣及農藥。
  • 配備3秒即熱技術。
  • 4段溫度及容量的純淨水。

7. DYSON 戴森 AM09 風扇暖風機

  • 唯一配備噴射控流技術的涼暖氣流倍增器,集中模式專為遠距離輸送強勁氣流,而廣角模式專為廣角送風。
  • 專利Air Multiplier™氣流倍增技術輸送強勁氣流。
  • 配備智能恆溫器及睡眠定時功能,適合夜間使用。
  • 唯一榮獲安靜標準獎項的涼暖氣流倍增器。
  • 靠自身重心旋轉,無需配件固定即可保持角度。

8. Airgle AG300 空氣清新機

  • 配備了「H14醫療級cHEPA」、「特級活性碳」及「Titanium Pro光觸媒+UVC殺菌」淨化技術,過濾99.999%小至0.003微米有害微粒,包括微細懸浮粒子、細菌、病毒、致敏原、煙霧、甲醛及VOC等多種空氣污染物。
  • 配備了「cHEPA」+「特級活性碳」二合一濾網,能夠有效過濾微細懸浮粒子、細菌、病毒、致敏原、煙霧、甲醛及VOC等多種空氣污染物。
  • 可以連接手機APP,方便遙距操控。

9. DELONGHI EC685 Dedica Style 半自動咖啡機

  • 機身輪廓纖薄,佔用空間少,闊度只有14.9厘米。
  • 配備15巴壓力泵及可調節的蒸汽管,讓您輕鬆製作豐富的奶泡。
  • 採用加熱塊加熱系統,確保能在完美的溫度下沖調飲品,快速加熱只需約40秒。
  • FLOW STOP 功能,可自設咖啡份量  。

10. PANASONIC 樂聲牌 NU-SC180W 20公升蒸氣焗爐

  • 7種烹調模式:低溫蒸、中溫蒸、燉煮、健康炸、發酵、烘焗及蒸氣烘焗。
  • 內置18款預設食譜及6款清潔功能。
  • 水箱容量800毫升,隨機附送金屬盤2個、網架2個及彩色食譜。


1. 研究優惠規則,制定購物策略
2. 注意活動時間與秒殺商品
3. 使用信用卡優惠最大化折扣


1. 雙11購物節的延續
2. 預期雙12優惠



【2025 Double 11 Crazy Shopping Festival】
Top 10 Must-buy Hit Products on Double 11

The Double 11 shopping festival originated from Alibaba's Taobao platform's Singles' Day, initially just a holiday for single individuals to jest at themselves, and has now evolved into the world's largest online shopping extravaganza. The annual ElecBoy Double 11 shopping festival is approaching. If you want to learn more about Double 11 discounts and shopping strategies, make sure to keep an eye on the updates on the ElecBoy website! This article will introduce you to the top ten annual must-have products, including popular brands such as APPLESONYPhilipsInsta360DYSONDelonghiFUJIFILMPANASONIC, allowing you to make purchases at the best times!

1. SONY WF-1000XM5 Headphone

  • It features two built-in patented processors that can eliminate more external noise than ever before. 
  • It is equipped with a new high-performance driver unit called Dynamic Driver X, dual feedback microphones, and innovative noise-isolating earbud tips for a secure and snug fit.
  • With AI-powered noise-canceling algorithms based on deep neural networks (DNN) and bone conduction sensors, your voice can be conveyed clearly and naturally even in noisy environments.
  • The earphones offer up to 8 hours of battery life, and the charging case provides an additional 16 hours of battery life. With just a quick 3-minute charge, you can enjoy up to 60 minutes of music playback.

2. APPLE Watch SE GPS Aluminium Case (2024)

  • Featuring a Retina display with a maximum brightness of up to 1000 nits.
  • Equipped with health and fitness features, including high or low heart rate notifications, irregular heart rhythm notifications, low cardio fitness notifications, and menstrual cycle tracking.
  • Swim-friendly with fall and accident detection.
  • Powered by the S8 SiP processor. It must be used with iPhone XS or later models (including iPhone SE 2nd generation or later models) running iOS 18 or later.

3. Insta360 X4 Action Camera

  • Supports 8K ultra-high-resolution 360 video recording, as well as 5.7K 60fps capture, and can record 4K 100fps slow-motion videos.
  • After capturing 360° footage, you can freely select the desired angle through the Insta360 App's AI editing tools to easily compose your shots.
  • Can completely hide the selfie stick during recording, capturing surprising low-angle and third-person perspectives.
  • Features the industry-leading FlowState stabilization technology with 360° horizon leveling.
  • Waterproof up to IPX8 rating, with a large 2290mAh battery that can record continuously for 135 minutes in 5.7K 30fps mode.

4. FUJIFILM instax mini Evo Instant Camera

  • Equipped with a high-quality dual lens system and a 3.0-inch TFT color LCD, it can capture clear and detailed photos.
  • It offers multiple shooting modes, including automatic mode, selfie mode, and multiple exposure, to meet the needs of different scenes, allowing users to create freely.
  • Built-in various creative filters and frame options enable users to add personalized effects during shooting or printing, enhancing the fun of the photos.
  • Supports Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to easily edit and print photos from their smartphones through a dedicated mobile app.

5. DYSON HD15 Supersonic™ hair dryer with Presentation case

  • Featuring a new 2-in-1 nozzle with two modes, this hair dryer utilizes the Coanda effect to smooth and tame frizz.
  • It dries hair quickly without causing overheating damage and is designed for hair and scalp repair. 
  • With intelligent heat control using the Dyson V9 digital motor, it offers precise and controlled airflow.
  • The hair dryer comes with four styling attachments, including the new 2-in-1 anti-frizz smoothing nozzle.

6. PHILIPS ADD6910/90 RO Water Dispenser

  • Equipped with the patented Aquaporin Inside RO purification technology, it provides highly efficient and long-lasting filtration.
  • Paired with a revolutionary all-in-one RO reverse osmosis water purification system, it can remove ultra-fine pollutants as small as 0.0001 microns from the water, effectively removing 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, soluble lead, heavy metals, residual chlorine, and pesticides.
  • Features 3-second instant heating technology.
  • Provides 4 temperature and volume settings for pure water.

7. DYSON AM09 Heater & Fan

  • The only fan heater with Jet Focus Control technology, with a concentrated mode for long-range powerful airflow and a wide-angle mode for diffused air circulation.
  • Patented Air Multiplier™ technology for delivering powerful airflow.
  • Equipped with intelligent thermostat and sleep timer function, suitable for nighttime use.
  • The only bladeless fan heater to have received the Quiet Mark award.
  • Rotates on its center of gravity, maintaining the angle without the need for additional fixtures.

8. Airgle AG300 Air Cleaner

  • Equipped with "H14 Medical-grade cHEPA," "Super Activated Carbon," and "Titanium Pro Photocatalyst + UVC Sterilization" purification technologies, the Airgle AG300 can effectively eliminate 99.998% of the novel coronavirus and achieve a filtration efficiency of up to 99.999%.
  • It features a "cHEPA" + "Super Activated Carbon" dual-filter system that effectively filters fine suspended particles, bacteria, viruses, allergens, smoke, formaldehyde, VOCs, and other air pollutants.
  • It can be connected to a mobile app for convenient remote control.

9. DELONGHI EC685 Dedica Style Pump-Driven Espresso Coffee Machine

  • With a slim profile and a width of only 14.9 cm, it takes up minimal space on your countertop.
  • Equipped with a 15-bar pressure pump and an adjustable steam wand, allowing you to easily create rich and creamy froth.
  • Uses a thermoblock heating system to ensure the perfect temperature for brewing, with a quick heat-up time of approximately 40 seconds.
  • Features a FLOW STOP function, allowing you to customize the coffee volume according to your preference.

10. PANASONIC NU-SC180W 20L Steam Oven  

  • 7 cooking programs: Steam-Low, Steam-Med, Stew, Healthy Fry, Ferment, Convection & Steam Convection.
  • 18 preset menus and 6 cleaning functions.
  • Water tank capacity 800ml. 2 metal steam trays, 2 wire ranks & coloured cookbook are included.

Shopping Strategies for Double 11

1. Study Promotion Rules and Develop Shopping Strategies
Major e-commerce platforms introduce a variety of complex promotion rules during Double 11, such as discounts on minimum spending, cashback offers, and lucky draws. Therefore, consumers need to research these rules in advance, draft shopping lists, and set budgets to avoid confusion during the promotional period.
2. Pay Attention to Activity Times and Flash Sale Items
On Double 11, major platforms typically offer limited-time deals and flash sale items. It is advisable for consumers to set reminders in advance, pinpoint the flash sale times of desired items, and avoid missing out on the best shopping opportunities.
3. Maximize Discounts with Credit Card Offers
During Double 11, major banks collaborate with e-commerce platforms to offer exclusive credit card promotions. Consumers can utilize designated credit cards to enjoy discounts, extra reward points, or cashback, further reducing their shopping costs.

Preview of Double 12 Shopping Festival

1. Continuation of Double 11
Following Double 11, the Double 12 shopping festival, often referred to as the "Encore Celebration," is anticipated. Consumers can expect platforms to once again launch large-scale promotions and discounts. Double 12 not only follows Double 11 but also marks the final wave of shopping frenzy at the year's end.
2. Expected Double 12 Promotions
Many e-commerce platforms will introduce promotions similar to Double 11 for Double 12, offering discounts on minimum spending, free gifts, or limited-time offers, providing consumers with more opportunities to purchase desired items at discounted prices.

Set reminders in advance and swiftly purchase desired items once the event commences. Double 11 is not just a time to save money but also an opportunity for consumers to enjoy the pleasure of shopping. Wishing everyone success in snagging their favorite products!
