親愛的顧客 Dear Customer:
Thank you for your registration as ElecBoy member! Congratulations! You have received a welcome gift: Deliveroo HKD20 e-voucher! Please apply the below e-voucher code before payment to redeem the e-voucher:
Deliveroo HKD20電子現金券
Deliveroo HKD20 e-voucher
條款及細則Terms and Conditions:
- 此電子禮券有效期至2023年03月06日,逾期無效。This e-voucher is valid till 06 March 2023.
- 此電子禮券不可增值或重覆使用。This e-voucher cannot be topped up or reloaded.
- 此電子禮券不可與其他推廣優惠碼或其他推廣禮券同時使用。This e-voucher cannot be redeemed alongside promotional codes or promotional vouchers.
- 此電子禮劵不可使用於購買訂閱 (例如: 戶戶送Plus) 或禮券。This e-voucher cannot be used to pay for subscriptions (e.g. for Deliveroo Plus) or to purchase E-Gift Cards.
- 此電子禮劵不可轉售或兌換現金。This e-voucher cannot be resold or transferred for value.
- 此電子禮劵不可轉移至其他戶戶送之帳戶及只可使用一次。This e-voucher cannot be transferred to another Deliveroo account and redeemed once only.
- 此電子禮劵必須於付款前使用,過後恕不受理。The e-voucher must be applied before payment. No retrospective arrangement will be made.
- 超過電子禮劵金額部分需要補回差價;不足電子禮劵金額部分不得找零。If the purchase amount has exceeded the e-voucher amount. Customers will need to pay the price different. No change shall be provided if the purchase amount is less than the e-coupon amount.
- 如有任何爭議,電器幫及戶戶送保留更改有關使用此電子禮劵規則的權利。In case of any dispute, ElecBoy and Deliveroo reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions in relation to the use of this e-coupon.