Offer 1
Instant HK$100 off
優惠期由2025年1月1日至2月28日,每次購物只限使用一個優惠碼。優惠期會分為8個階段,整個優惠期內名額合共為1,600個。 每位客戶於推廣期內每星期可享優惠最多1次,優惠碼名額逢星期三上午10時正重設,名額先到先得,額滿即止。借定唔借?還得到先好借 ! 優惠受條款及細則約束,按此查看詳細條款及細則。
Promotion period is from January 1 to February 28, 2025. Only one discount code can be used per purchase. The promotion period is split into 8 phases. Total of 1,600 quotas are available for entire promotion period. Each customer can enjoy the discount once per week during the promotion period. The discount code quota will be reset at 10:00 am on each Wednesday. The quota of discount code for selected products is subject to availability, and is provided on a first-come-first-served basis. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! Offers are subject to terms and conditions. Click here to view detailed terms and conditions.
Offer 2
Up to 50% off on
selected products
Enter the designated discount code below before checkout, and you can get the following popular selected products at a discount of up to 50% off. Each product is limited to 10 pieces, while supplies last.
優惠期由2025年1月1日至2月28日,每次購物只限使用一個優惠碼,名額先到先得,額滿即止。優惠一及優惠二不可同時使用。如於結帳時未有使用優惠碼,有關優惠將不獲得補發。如有任何爭議,電器幫保留最終之決定權。借定唔借?還得到先好借 ! 優惠受條款及細則約束,按此查看詳細條款及細則。
Promotion period is from January 1 to February 28 2025. Only one discount code can be used per purchase. The quota of discount code for selected products is subject to availability, and is provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Offer 1 and 2 cannot be used in conjunction. If the discount code is not used during checkout, the relevant discount will not be reissued. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! Offers are subject to terms and conditions. Click here to view detailed terms and conditions.
iPhone 16系列即減HK$200
Offer 3
HK$200 off on iPhone 16 series
優惠期由2025年1月1日至2月28日,每次購物只限使用一個優惠碼。優惠期會分為8個階段,整個優惠期內名額合共為200個。 每位客戶於推廣期內每星期可享優惠最多1次,優惠碼名額逢星期三上午10時正重設,名額先到先得,額滿即止。優惠一、優惠二及優惠三不可同時使用。借定唔借?還得到先好借 ! 優惠受條款及細則約束,按此查看詳細條款及細則。
Promotion period is from January 1 to February 28, 2025. Only one discount code can be used per purchase. The promotion period is split into 8 phases. Total of 200 quotas are available for entire promotion period. Each customer can enjoy the discount once per week during the promotion period. The discount code quota will be reset at 10:00 am on each Wednesday. The quota of discount code for selected products is subject to availability, and is provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Offer 1, 2 and 3 cannot be used in conjunction. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! Offers are subject to terms and conditions. Click here to view detailed terms and conditions.
5,500+ 5星好評
收到超過5,500 5星產品好評,當中包括產品使用心得同埋對電器幫服務嘅讚賞!
24/7 智能服務助理
More About ElecBoy
19,000+ products
10 major categories of products, including home and kitchen appliances, computing and mobile accessory and entertainment product etc. We hope to build a more comprehensive online shopping platform for electronic appliances!
160,000+ members
Thank you to the 160,000+ members who are willing to shop on a new online shopping platform. ElecBoy will continue to work hard to provide more membership discounts to everyone!
5,500+ 5-star positive reviews
Received more than 5,500 5-star product reviews, including product usage experience and praise for our service!
Retail Industry Recognition
Officially became a member of HKRMA and No Fakes Scheme member. ElecBoy also awarded as both Quality eShop and Trust eShop in 2023.
Fastest next day delivery
As long as you place your order before 9pm, it can be delivered the next day at the earliest. You can also choose your own delivery date with flexibility!
24/7 intelligent service assistant
If you encounter problems with online shopping, ElecBoy will take care of your needs around the clock and provide you with a 24/7 intelligent assistant to get you the answer!