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B-mola BM50 Household Air Treatment Unit


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More information
Recommended Area (m2)20-30
Deodorizing MethodNano-Tech Deodorizing
Dust Removing MethodHEPA Filter
Anti-bacterial MethodEliminate bacteria and viruses thoroughly to prevent bacteria and viruses from breeding
Sterilization MethodKill bacteria and viruses by destroying their cytomembrane with oxidizing reaction
Pollen RemovalYes
Auto ModeYes (Have to connect with detector)
Humidifying CapabilityN/A
Gas SensorYes
Sleep ModeYes
Air Volume (m3 / min)0.58-2.83
Air Flow Speed SettingsYes
Time Mode (hrs)When powered by external power supply, the machine will shut down automatically after 8 hours’ operation, and restart automatically after 30 minutes.
Air Quality IndicatorYes
Child LockYes
Filter model no. & Suggested Lifetime (1)HEPA filter: FHC01; Replacement 6-18 months
Filter model no. & Suggested Lifetime (2)NCCO reactor: FNC01; Sustainable use
Power consumption (W)3-20W
Weight (kg/g)4.9kg
Dimension (Wx H xD mm)200x348x340
Special FeatureIf there is no further instructions after 1 minute,the power button’s brightness wil be reduced by 50%, and other button lights and display screen will be extinguished. Pressing any button can light up the button light again.
Packing Weight (kg).77
Packing Size (W x H x D mm)255x457x386
Warranty Covering RegionHong Kong
Warranty Information1-year warranty: labour only
Additional Information200x348x340mm / 200x348x340mm
Place of ManufactureChina
Carrying NCCO patented technology, multiple layers of purification, efficient treatment, rapid filtration of fine particulate matter, secondhand smoke, pollen, PM0.3, etc. to eliminate odor.

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